Un Lierre rampant par Terre le long d’un Arbre abatu & mort

Un Lierre rampant par Terre le long d’un Arbre abatu & mort
Vivendo vici fata mea
En vivant j’ai surmonté ma destinée
Vivente io hò superato il mio destino
Biviendo hè sobrepassado mi destino
Noch levende ben ik myn noodlot te boven gekomen
Yet living I have overcome my lot
Noch lebend bin ich mein losz übergekommen
Sources and parallels
- De la Feuille, Devises Et Emblemes 1697 [web]
, p/no. 39/9
References, across this site, to this page:
No references to this emblem or page found.Iconclass
Ivy coiled around a fallen tree- trees (+ stem, trunk)
- trees (+ dead, withered plant)
- plants and herbs: ivy (+ other characteristics of plant growth)
- river bank
- Luck, Fortune, Lot; 'Fato', 'Fortuna', 'Fortuna aurea', 'Fortuna buona', 'Fortuna pacifica overo clemente', 'Sorte' (Ripa)
(+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Vitality, Viability, Vital Force (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (scenes from) specific works of literature (with AUTHOR, Title)
[83(VIRGIL, Aeneid XI, 160)]
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)