Un Oiseau qui veut entrer dans un Pot qui est chaud

Un Oiseau qui veut entrer dans un Pot qui est chaud
In ollis venari
Ne cherche jamais ce qui ne t’appartient pas
Non cercar mai quel che, non ti appartiene
No buscad jamas aquello que no te toca
Soekt nooit ’t geen u niet toekomt
Look never for that, vvich dos not belong to you
Such nicht vvas dein nicht ist
Sources and parallels
- De la Feuille, Devises Et Emblemes 1697 [web]
, p/no. 28/13
References, across this site, to this page:
No references to this emblem or page found.Iconclass
A bird approaching the opening of a pot that rests in a fire- fire (one of the four elements)
- heat
- birds (+ animal(s) reaching for something)
- birds (+ flying animal(s))
- mountains
- landscape with tower or castle
- camp-fire; watch-fire
- boiling
- kitchen-utensils (with NAME)
- Greed, Covetousness, Cupidity; 'Cupidité' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)