Amoris iusiurandum poenam non habet [71]

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[Callimachus] De eed van liefde kent geen straf. |
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[Callimachus] The oath of love has no penalty. |
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Tibullus, Elegiae 3, 6, 49-50.
Ze is niet te vertrouwen: Juppiter lacht om de valse beloften van geliefden, maakt ze speelbal van de wind.
[tr. J. Nagelkerken, Baarn 1994, p. 80.] |
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Tibullus, Elegiae 3, 6, 49-50.
There will be no truth in her words. Jupiter laughs at the false oaths of lovers, and bids the winds carry them off without
fulfilment. |
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Tibullus, Elegiae 1, 4, 23-24
Wees Juppiter maar dankbaar; want hijzelf ontkent de waarde van al wat dwaze liefdeslust bekrachtigt met een eed.
[tr. J. Nagelkerken, Baarn 1994, p. 32.] |
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Tibullus, Elegiae 1, 4, 23-24
Thanks to Jove. The Sire himself has decreed that no oath should stand that love has taken in the folly of desire.
[cf. tr. J.P. Postgate, Loeb, p. 213]. |
- Sebastiàn, Lectura crítica
, p. 35
Sources and parallels
- Parallel for the pictura in: Virtus character amoris [14] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amoris divini emblemata (1615))
- Contradicts, according to Daly: Amantis veri cor, ut speculum splendidum [4] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
- Amoris jusiurandum pœnam non habet [41] (in: Otto Vaenius, Emblemata aliquot selectiora amatoria (1618))
- Ayres, Emblemata amatoria
, embl. 38
Parallel for the pictura (mirrored, background less detailed) and for some mottoes (Latin, Italian, French): Un Amour qui jure fidélité à Jupiter & à Venus, qui en rient (in: Daniel de la Feuille, Devises et emblemes (1691))
Same pictura, slightly altered, different motto and Latin subscriptio:Amor nequit male facere. [40] (in: anonymous, Emblemata amatoria (1690))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Amor nequit male facere. [40] (in: anonymous, Emblemata amatoria (1690))
- Un Amour qui jure fidélité à Jupiter & à Venus, qui en rient (in: Daniel de la Feuille, Devises et emblemes (1691))
- Amantis veri cor, ut speculum splendidum [4] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
- Virtus character amoris [14] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amoris divini emblemata (1615))
- Amoris jusiurandum pœnam non habet [41] (in: Otto Vaenius, Emblemata aliquot selectiora amatoria (1618))
Venus, her hand resting on her chariot and her foot on fasces points at the open book on which Cupid swears an oath; Jupiter on a cloud- predatory birds: eagle (+ animals as attributes)
- other birds: dove (+ animals as attributes)
- plain
- lightning, flash of lightning, thunderbolt
- trampling, treading, stamping on someone or something - AA - female human figure
- floating in the air
- laughing
- law and jurisprudence (+ 'fasces cum securibus')
- quiver
- book - MM - book open
- Worthlessness (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Oath (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Fidelity; 'Fedelté' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- non-aggressive, friendly or neutral activities and relationships of Jupiter
- attributes of Jupiter: eagle
- attributes of Jupiter: thunderbolt
- non-aggressive, friendly or neutral activities and relationships of Venus
- attributes of Venus (with NAME)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)