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Optimum amoris poculum, ut ameris, ama [5]


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Sume meas, sumam ipse tuas, mea vita, sagittas;
Non aliter noster conciliatur amor.

Nihil minus hominis esse videtur, quàm non respondere
in amore ijs, à quibus prouocere.translationtranslation

A wished warre.
The woundes that lovers give are willingly receaued,
When with two dartes of love each hits each others harte,
Th’ones hurt the others cures and takes away the smarte,
So as no one of both is of his with bereaued.

Di reciproche piaghe Amor si gode;
Qui si feriscon duo leali amanti,
Et ambo lieti godono ne i pianti,
Scoccando tiensi l’un’, e l’altro prode.

Ghewensten strijdt.
d’Een lief sich gheern laet van d’ander ’t hert doorwonden/
De schichten niemant wijckt/ maer elck sijn borste biedt/
Om eerst te zijn ghequetst/ d’een d’ander niet en vliedt:
Want sy met eenen wil in liefde zijn ghebonden.

Combat heureux
Cupidon s’esiouit de playes mutuelles,
Dont deux amans loyaux s’entreblessent sans peur,
Quand chascun voluntaire aux traits offre son cœur,
Et font à qui mieux mieux, pour n’estre à luy rebelles.

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Facsimile Images

8, LEI:
8, LDF:
8, LIF:
9, pictura:

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Ut ameris, ama: Martialis 6, 11, 10; Ausonius, Epigrammata 22, 6
De beste liefdesdrank: bemin om bemind te worden.
Ut ameris, ama: Martialis 6, 11, 10; Ausonius, Epigrammata 22, 6
The best bowl of love: love to be loved.
Mijn lief, ontvang mijn pijlen, en ik op mijn beurt zal de jouwe ontvangen. Alleen op deze manier wordt onze liefde verbonden. [Philostratos, Anthol. Graeca?]
Receive my arrows, my love, and I myself will receive yours; in another way our love is not united. [Philostratos, Anthol. Graeca?]
Cicero, Epistulae ad M. Iunium Brutum 1, 1 [13, 1]
Volgens mij is er niets dat een mens minder past dan in de liefde hen niet te beantwoorden die hem daartoe oproepen
Cicero, Epistulae ad M. Iunium Brutum 1, 1 [13, 1]
It seems to me that nothing less becomes a man than to make no response to those who would draw you out in mutual love. [tr. M. Cary, Loeb Cicero, Letters to his friends 4, p. 665]

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  1. The two children invaded the art of the European Renaissace. They were - most probably - named after Plato’s Phaedrus, Eros and Anteros (Love and Love-in-return): Knipping, Iconography of the Counter Reformation, p. 50
  2. Sebastiàn, Lectura crítica, p. 17

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Sources and parallels

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Two cupids hit each other in the chest with an arrow