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Precibus haud vinci potest [82]


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PRECIBVS HAVD VINCI POTEST.translationtranslation
Nec lacrymis crudelis Amor, nec gramina riuis,
Ne Cythiso saturantur apes, ne fronde capellae.

Loue is pittilesse.
As Mars with humayn blood & spoyles and ouerthrowes,
Is not to pittie mou’d, when hee in rage is heated,
So Cupid by no plaints nor teares will bee intreated,
The more that hee is prayd the lesse he pittie shewes.

Senza pietà.
Giamai di sangue Marte sanguinoso,
Si satia, ne di pianto il Dio d’Amore,
Di lamenti, di stridi, e di dolore,
E quanto è piu pregato, è men pietoso.

Liefd’ is onghenadigh.
’t Ghestort van menschen bloedt/ het doodt-slaen / en t’ontleden
Mars niet versaden can: Cupido overwreedt,
Versaet oock ’t krijten niet/ ’t beclagh/ en tranen heet,
Min hy bermhertigh is/ hoe hy meer werdt ghebeden.

Amour sans pitie.
Iamais de sang humain le Dieu Mars effroyable,
Ne se peut assouuir, ny Cupidon de pleurs,
De plaintes, ny de cris, ny de tristes douleurs.
Et plus il est prié, moins il est pitoyable.

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Facsimile Images

162, LEI:
162, LDF:
162, LIF:
163, pictura:

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Seneca, Phaedra 239.
Hij kan door geen gebeden worden vermurwd.
Seneca, Phaedra 239.
By no prayers can he be overcome.
Vergilius, Eclogae 10, 28-29.
De wrede Amor krijgt nooit genoeg van tranen, net zomin als gras van beekjes, bijen van klaver en geiten van blaadjes.
Vergilius, Eclogae 10, 28-29.
Cruel love is not sated with tears, nor the grass with the rills, nor bees with the clover, nor goats with leaves. [tr. H. Rushton Fairclough, p. 73]

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Wringing his hands in begging a cupid is following another cupid, who turns away from him