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Auro conciliatur amor [65]


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AURO CONCILIATVR AMOR.translationtranslation
Cur Amor (heu) donis nunc illaquearis & auro?,
Qui dum simplicitas illa paterna fuit,
Ex mero amore soles facilem aspirare fauorem:
Nunc iacet (ah) virtus; in pretio at pretium est.

Loue bought and sold.
Loue iustly may complayn, and great abuse relate,
In seeing loue to bee somtymes for treasure sold,
As thogh high prysed loue were no more woorth then gold,
And marchants might it sell at ordinarie rate.

A Donna dona.
Gia si solea trouar per cortesia
Gratia, e fauor’ amando, hor’ al rouerso,
Nulla può la virtù, sol l’or peruerso
Al tuo disegno t’aprirà la via.

Zydy hoer/ of dief/ hebdy ghelt/ ick heb v lief.
Eylaes wat sie ick hier/’t is seker te beclaghen/
Dat ghy Cupido fier door ghiften werdt beweeght/
Die maer door liefd’ alleen v ionst te gheuen pleeght.
Na ghelt/ meer als na deught/ men meest al nu gaet vraghen.

Amour fait mout, argent fait tout.
En Amour on souloit par courtoisie acquerre
La faueur meritèe: au rebours maintenant
Le vertu n’y vaut rien, mais bien l’argent contant.
Le cœr, l’huis, & le fein à l’argent se desserre.

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Facsimile Images

128, LEI:
128, LDF:
128, LIF:
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Ovidius, Ars amatoria 2, 278.
Liefde wordt met goud verworven.
Ovidius, Ars amatoria 2, 278.
By gold is affection gained.
[end] Ovidius, Fasti 1, 217.
Helaas, Amor, waarom raak je verstrikt in giften en goud? Want toen die oude eenvoud nog bestond, streefde je naar gemakkelijk geschonken gunst uit pure liefde. Nu, ach, ligt de deugd verloren, maar de prijs is prijzig.
[end] Ovidius, Fasti 1, 217.
Amor, alas, why are you entangled by gifts and gold? For when that old simplicity existed, you used to aspire to readily given favour from pure love. Now (ah!) virtue lies down; but the price is pricy.

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A cupid is handing a dish with jewellery to another cupid who drops his bow