author Sebastián López, Santiago
main title Lectura crítica de la Amorum Emblemata de Otto Vaenius
sub title Lectura y significado de los emblemas
short title Sebastiàn, Lectura crítica
in Bol. del Museo e Instituto Camón Aznar, 21/1985/5-112
description Studies Vaenius' emblems in the light of the tradition of courtly love. Traces the history of courty love to Ovid, on the one hand, and the Arabic love poets of southern Spain (like Ibn Hazm) on the other. Describes its expression in Andreas Capellanus. Then describes Vaenius' emblems, heavily relying on Henkel and Schöne and Praz . Notes influences from Petrarca, Castiglione and Leon Hebreo.

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