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Omnis amatorem decuit color [32]


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OMNIS AMATOREM DECVIT COLOR.translationtranslation
[No source given]
Quod cupis, id cupio; quod spernis, sperno: tuumque,
Velle meum velle est, nolleque nolle meum.
Te propter varios, vt Proteus, induo vultus,
Inque modum chamae, crede, leontis ago.

As loue will.
As the camelion is, so must the louer bee,
And oft his colour change, lyke that whereon hee standes,
His louers will his will, her bidding his commaunds,
And altred from himself right altred as is shee.

Com’ Amor vuole.
Come il cameleonte è variante,
Conforme del’ obietto al varia lume:
Cosi l’amante à voglia del suo Nume
Si dee cangiar, & obedir constante.

Soo Liefde wil.
Een minnaer moet ghelijck een chameleon hem toonen/
Verand’rende coleur na ’t gheen daer hy op staet:
Sijn liefkens wil sijn wil/ haer doen moet zijn sijn daedt/
En van hem selfs vervremt in haer verandert woonen.

Selon que veut Madame.
Comme vn Chamaleon le teint de sa peau change,
Selon l’obiects diuers, paroissant tousiours tel:
Ainsi faut qy’vn amant forçant son naturel,
Au muable vouloir de sa Dame se range.

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Facsimile Images

62, LEI:
62, LDF:
62, LIF:
63, pictura:

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Een minnaar past elke kleur.
Each colour befits a Lover.
Wat jij wenst, wens ik, wat jij afwijst, wijs ik af, jouw wil is mijn wil, wat jij niet wilt, wil ik niet. Om jou neem ik zoals Proteus allerlei gedaanten aan en geloof me, ik gedraag me als een kameleon.
What you long for I long for, what you reject I reject, your wish is my wish and what you do not want I do not want. For you I assume several shapes, like Proteus, and believe me, I act as a chameleon.

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  1. Henkel and Schöne, Emblemata, col. 666
  2. Discussion of Lohenstein's use of this emblem in Sophonisbe: Schöne, Emblematik und Drama, p. 107
  3. Sebastiàn, Lectura crítica, p. 25

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Sources and parallels

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A cupid holding a chameleon