Sitim extinguit [39]

August.& habetur de Poenit dist. 2.cap. cha-
Amor est aqua de qua Dominus in Euangelio ait;
Qui biberit ex hac aqua quam ego dabo ei, non sitiet
in aeternum.
[Gratianus, Decretum
, l1/l2/l3/l4/l5/plv/plp/plc. 2/33/3/2/14/187/1569/A]
Amor est aqua de qua Dominus in Euangelio ait;
Qui biberit ex hac aqua quam ego dabo ei, non sitiet
in aeternum.

Psal. 41.
Quemadmodum desiderat ceruus ad fontes aqua-
rum, ita desiderat anima mea ad Deum fontem viuum.
Psalms 42:2]
Quemadmodum desiderat ceruus ad fontes aqua-
rum, ita desiderat anima mea ad Deum fontem viuum.
per Ps. 46.
Deus tuus totum tibi erit: manducabis eum, ne esu-
rias; bibes eum, ne sitias.
[Augustinus, Enarrrationes
, l1/l2/l3/plv/plp. 36/1/12/36/363]
per Ps. 46.
Deus tuus totum tibi erit: manducabis eum, ne esu-
rias; bibes eum, ne sitias.

Idem in ep. Ioan.cap.7.
Si1 non vultis in eremo siti mori, bibite charitatem.
Fons enim est quem Deus voluit ponere, ne deficias.
[Augustinus, In Epistolam Ioannis
, ch/sect/plv/plp. 7/1/35/2029]
Si1 non vultis in eremo siti mori, bibite charitatem.
Fons enim est quem Deus voluit ponere, ne deficias.

Godts liefd’ is t’
water daer van seyt,
Den sone Godts, Die ick sal gheuen
Dit water, inder eewicheyt
Niet dorsten sal, maer eewich leuen:
Godts liefden put sal nimmermeer
Zijn wtgheput, dus wilt doch trachten
Te drincken van dit water seer,
Eer dat ghy meucht van dorst versmachten.
Den sone Godts, Die ick sal gheuen
Dit water, inder eewicheyt
Niet dorsten sal, maer eewich leuen:
Godts liefden put sal nimmermeer
Zijn wtgheput, dus wilt doch trachten
Te drincken van dit water seer,
Eer dat ghy meucht van dorst versmachten.
Amour est cest eau, de la quelle
Christ en l’euangile a dicté,
Que celuy-la qui boiroit d’elle
n’Auroit soif en eternité.
Courons doncq (ô Ame zeleuse)
A ce puis salutaire & sainct,
Puis que sa boisson amoureuse
Toute ardeur de la chair estaint.
Christ en l’euangile a dicté,
Que celuy-la qui boiroit d’elle
n’Auroit soif en eternité.
Courons doncq (ô Ame zeleuse)
A ce puis salutaire & sainct,
Puis que sa boisson amoureuse
Toute ardeur de la chair estaint.

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lest de dorst. |
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Love quenches thirst |
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liefde is het water waarvan de Heer in het evangelie zegt: [Joh. 4:14] Wie gedronken heeft van het water dat Ik hem zal geven,
zal geen dorst krijgen in
eeuwigheid. |
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Love is the water of which the Lord speaks in the Gospel: who will drink from the water I will give to him shall not be thirsty
ever again. |
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Gelijk een hert dat naar waterbeken smacht, zo smacht mijn ziel naar God, de levende bron. |
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Just as the deer longs for springs of water, so my soul longs for God, my well of life. |
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God zal voor u alles zijn: u zult Hem eten dat u geen honger hebt, drinken dat u geen dorst hebt. |
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Your God will be all to you: you will eat Him so as not to be hungry; you will drink Him so as not to be thirsty. |
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Als u
niet in de woestijn van dorst wilt omkomen, drink dan de liefde. Zij is immers de bron die God wil slaan om te voorkomen dat
u sterft. |
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If you do not wish to die of thirst in the desert, drink of love, for it is the well God wished to set up for you, lest you
grow weak. |
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liefde is water, maar drink van de goddelijke liefde die de dorst lest.
- Knipping relates this scene to Jesus and the Samaritan woman (Joh.
4:9): Knipping, Iconography of the Counter Reformation
, pp. 204-205
- Sebastián, Visión emblemática del amor divino
, p. 13
Sources and parallels
- [Bible
, John 4:14]
- Hugo was to use the quotation from Psalm 41 [42]:
Quemadmodum desiderat Cervus ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad te Deus [41] (in: Hermannus Hugo, Pia desideria (1624)) [Compare]
, see also Quemadmodum desiderat cervus ad fontes aquarum [41] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629)) [Compare]
- as illustrated in: Hugo, Pia desideria (ed. Arwaker)
, bk/embl. 3/11
- Luyken too used the same quotation: Luyken, Jezus en de ziel
, embl. 20
- and again in the ‘Zang’ in: Luyken, Jezus en de ziel
, embl. 39
- and again in: Luyken, Menselyk Bedryf
, p. 98
- In the same emblem, Luyken was to refer to the quotation from John 4:
Luyken, Menselyk Bedryf
, p. 98
Life-giving spring, in:Die enkel uit onkunde dwaald, Word van God weêr te rug gehaald [5] (in: Pieter Huygen, Beginselen van Gods Koninkrijk (1689))
Life-giving spring, in:Sitim extinguit [84] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Pictura remade in: Sitim extinguit [84] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
The quote of John 4:14 also used by Cats in: Res immoderata, cupido est. [39] (in: Jacob Cats, Sinne- en minnebeelden (1627))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Puteus amoris. [46] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
- Res immoderata, cupido est. [39] (in: Jacob Cats, Sinne- en minnebeelden (1627))
- Die enkel uit onkunde dwaald, Word van God weêr te rug gehaald [5] (in: Pieter Huygen, Beginselen van Gods Koninkrijk (1689))
- Sitim extinguit [84] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
- Sitim extinguit [84] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
The human soul is holding a bucket of water taken from the well that sacred love is leaning against- God's perfections
- church (exterior)
- water (one of the four elements)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- groups of trees
- sitting on the ground
- index finger forwards, pointing, indicating
- the soul during lifetime
- well
- container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- Preservation, Sustenance; 'Salvezza', 'Sostanza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- 'If any one thirst ...' ~ sayings of Christ (John 7:37)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
The same quotation is used
in Virtutum fons est et scaturigo [57]