Gravata respuit [23]

Amor rerum terrenarum, viscus est spiritualium
[Augustinus, Sermones de Scripturis
, bk/ch/sect/plv/plp. 112/6/6/38/646]
Amor rerum terrenarum, viscus est spiritualium

Obligata anima amore terreno, quasi viscum habet
in pennis, volare non potest; mundata verò ab affecti-
bus sordidissimis seculi tanquam extensis pennis, vo-
lat. Quò nisi ad Deum ascendit volando, qui ascendit
[Augustinus, Enarrrationes
, l1/l2/plv/plp. 121/1/37/618]
Obligata anima amore terreno, quasi viscum habet
in pennis, volare non potest; mundata verò ab affecti-
bus sordidissimis seculi tanquam extensis pennis, vo-
lat. Quò nisi ad Deum ascendit volando, qui ascendit

Den mensch die t’vleesch bemint te seer,
En voet na lust; beswaert sijn crachten,
Dat hy met liefde nimmermeer
Na Godt sijn ziel en kan doen trachten,
Ghelijck de voghels diemen siet
Belast met hunne sware lijuen,
Dats’ opwaerts kunnen vlieghen niet,
Maer moeten op der aerden blijuen.
En voet na lust; beswaert sijn crachten,
Dat hy met liefde nimmermeer
Na Godt sijn ziel en kan doen trachten,
Ghelijck de voghels diemen siet
Belast met hunne sware lijuen,
Dats’ opwaerts kunnen vlieghen niet,
Maer moeten op der aerden blijuen.
Ainsi que la graisse inutile
Arreste ces oyseaux en-bas,
Et le vol estant impoßible,
Les faict aller au petit pas,
Außi serions nous tous de mesme,
Aimans trop la chair, & nous fault
n’Auoir le soing que de noz ames,
Si nous voulons voler en hault.
Arreste ces oyseaux en-bas,
Et le vol estant impoßible,
Les faict aller au petit pas,
Außi serions nous tous de mesme,
Aimans trop la chair, & nous fault
n’Auoir le soing que de noz ames,
Si nous voulons voler en hault.

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Ze wil
niet beladen worden. |
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Soul rejects being weighed down |
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ziel wordt aangedreven door de liefde zoals het lichaam door zijn gewicht, ofwel naar beneden door zwaarte, ofwel omhoog door
lichtheid. |
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The soul is carried along by love, just as the body is by its weight: either downwards because it is heavy, or upwards because
it is light. |
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liefde voor aardse goederen is het vlees voor geestelijke vleugels. |
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Love of earthly things is meat/glue to spiritual wings. |
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Liefde is een vogel die omhoog vliegt en de aardse zaken vormen een band die haar tegenhoudt. |
Sources and parallels
- Alciato, Book of Emblems
, embl. 121
- Hugo’s treatment of earthly ties refraining the soul from
flying up to heaven:
Coarctor è duobus, desiderium habens dissolvi, & esse cum Christo [39] (in: Hermannus Hugo, Pia desideria (1624)) [Compare]
, see also Coarctor è duobus [39] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629)) [Compare]
- as illustrated in: Hugo, Pia desideria (ed. Arwaker)
, bk/embl. 3/9
Pictura remade in: Gravata respuit [68] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Gravata respuit [68] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Sacred love is pointing upwards, looking at the human soul; gluttonous geese are too heavy to fly- God's perfections
- church (exterior)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- light shining out of the heavens
- water-birds: goose (+ herd, group of animals)
- water-birds: goose (+ audible means of communication of animal(s): roaring, crying, singing, barking, mewing, neighing, chirping,
- (high) hill
- river
- index finger upwards
- the soul during lifetime
- heavenly love versus earthly love
- archer's weapons: bow
- Curtailment (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)