Micat inter omnes amor virtutes [41]

Si linguis hominum loquar & Angelorum, chari-
tatem autem non habeam, factus sum velut æs sonans,
aut cymbalum tinniens.
1 Corinthians 13:1]
Si linguis hominum loquar & Angelorum, chari-
tatem autem non habeam, factus sum velut æs sonans,
aut cymbalum tinniens.

August. de doct.Chris.
Sola charitas est quæ vincit omnia, & sine qua ni-
hil valent omnia.
[Augustinus, Sermones
, l1/l2/l3/plv/plp. 354/6/6/39/1562]
Sola charitas est quæ vincit omnia, & sine qua ni-
hil valent omnia.

De liefd’ altijdt hem ouerschoon
Doet bouen alle deuchden schijnen,
Ghelijck de son aen s’ hemels throon,
Die t’licht der sterren doet verdwijnen:
t’Gheloof, noch hoop geen vruchten geeft,
En ijdel zijn der deuchden wercken,
Als hen der liefden cracht begheeft,
Die’t al verciert en doet verstercken.
Doet bouen alle deuchden schijnen,
Ghelijck de son aen s’ hemels throon,
Die t’licht der sterren doet verdwijnen:
t’Gheloof, noch hoop geen vruchten geeft,
En ijdel zijn der deuchden wercken,
Als hen der liefden cracht begheeft,
Die’t al verciert en doet verstercken.
Amour des vertus la plus grande,
Tient entre elles le lieu premier,
Et seul dessus toute la bande
Emporte & reçoit le laurier:
Car quand la foy, quand l’esperance,
La douceur, & la chasteté
Auroyent ton cœur pour residence,
Si n’est-ce rien sans charité.
Tient entre elles le lieu premier,
Et seul dessus toute la bande
Emporte & reçoit le laurier:
Car quand la foy, quand l’esperance,
La douceur, & la chasteté
Auroyent ton cœur pour residence,
Si n’est-ce rien sans charité.

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liefde schittert tussen alle deugden. |
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Love glitters among all virtues |
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ware het, dat ik met de tongen der mensen en der engelen sprak, maar had de liefde niet, ik ware schallend koper of een rinkelende
cimbaal. |
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If I speak with the tongues of humans and of angels, but have no love, I am like resounding bronze, or a rattling cymbal. |
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is alleen de liefde die alles overwint en waarzonder alles niets waard is.
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It is only love that conquers all, and without which nothing has any power. |
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de schone deugden is het licht van de liefde als de zon tussen de sterren.
Sources and parallels
Parallel for the motto: Inter omnes. [34] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Ambacht van Cupido, from: Nederduytsche poemata (1616))
Parallel (and probably source) for the motto and entire emblem: Inter omnes [10] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Quaeris quid sit Amor (c. 1601))
Parallel (and probably source) for the motto and entire emblem: Inter omnes [10] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Emblemata amatoria (1607/8))
Similar pictura and motto in: Micat inter omnes Amor virtutes [86] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Pictura remade in: Micat inter omnes Amor virtutes [86] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Inter omnes [10] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Quaeris quid sit Amor (c. 1601))
- Inter omnes [10] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Emblemata amatoria (1607/8))
- Inter omnes. [34] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Ambacht van Cupido (1613))
- Inter omnes. [34] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Ambacht van Cupido, from: Nederduytsche poemata (1616))
- Micat inter omnes Amor virtutes [86] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
- Micat inter omnes Amor virtutes [86] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
A hand from the clouds hold a laurel-wreath above sacred love at whose feet the human soul is seated; they are surrounded by personifications of various virtues- God's perfections
- Faith, 'Fides'; 'Fede', 'Fede catholica', 'Fede christiana', 'Fede christiana catholica' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological
- Hope, 'Spes'; 'Speranza divina e certa' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues
- Charity, 'Caritas'; 'Carité' (Ripa) ~ one of the Three Theological Virtues
- Prudence, 'Prudentia'; 'Prudenza' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues
- Temperance, 'Temperantia'; 'Temperanza' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues
- Fortitude, 'Fortitudo' ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues
- Justice, 'Justitia'; 'Giustitia divina' (Ripa) ~ one of the Four Cardinal Virtues
- altarcross, crucifix
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- trees: laurel (+ leaf)
- trees: palm-tree (+ branch, stick)
- clouds
- hand (+ holding something)
- sitting on an elevation
- sitting on an elevation - AA - female human figure
- arms crossed over the breast - AA - female human figure
- floating in the air (+ variant)
- mirror
- the soul during lifetime
- festivities (+ wreath, garland ~ festive activities)
- archer's weapons: bow
- scales
- bit
- reins
- column, pillar ~ architecture
- pedestal of a piece of sculpture (perhaps in the form of a herm)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Virtuousness; 'Amor di Virtù', 'Attione virtuosa', 'Guida sicura de' veri honori', 'Virtù', 'Virtù insuperabile' (Ripa) (+
emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)