Sternit iter deo [33]

August.I. Cor. 12
Viæ multæ in multis præceptis ad vnam colligun-
tur, & vna dicuntur, quia via nostra charitas est. vi-
deamus si charitas est via, audiamus Apostolum. Et
adhuc excellentiorem vobis viam demonstro. Quam
dicis ô Apostole, excellentiorem viam? Quam dico,
audi: Si linguis hominum loquar & Angelorum; cha-
ritatem non habeam, &c.
[Augustinus, Enarrrationes
, l1/l2/plv/plp. 141/7/37/1837]
1 Corinthians 12:31]
1 Corinthians 13:1]
Viæ multæ in multis præceptis ad vnam colligun-
tur, & vna dicuntur, quia via nostra charitas est. vi-
deamus si charitas est via, audiamus Apostolum. Et
adhuc excellentiorem vobis viam demonstro. Quam
dicis ô Apostole, excellentiorem viam? Quam dico,
audi: Si linguis hominum loquar & Angelorum; cha-
ritatem non habeam, &c.

Charitas verè via est quæ ducit per se ambulantes
ad patriam; quia sicut sine via peruenit nullus quò
tendit, ita sine charitate quæ dicta est via, non ambu-
lare possunt homines, sed errare.
[Julianus, De vita contempativa
, bk/ch/plv/plp/plcb-plce. 3/13/59/493/C-D]
Charitas verè via est quæ ducit per se ambulantes
ad patriam; quia sicut sine via peruenit nullus quò
tendit, ita sine charitate quæ dicta est via, non ambu-
lare possunt homines, sed errare.

Welck is den wech tot Godt den Heer?
Hoe canmen doch tot hem gheraeken?
Welck is Godts wech tot ons hier neer,
Dat wy by hem ons woningh maecken?
De liefde is den wech alleen,
De wijsheyt, waerheyt en het leuen,
De liefde Godts ons in ’t ghemeen
Bereyt den wech dat wy niet sneuen.
Hoe canmen doch tot hem gheraeken?
Welck is Godts wech tot ons hier neer,
Dat wy by hem ons woningh maecken?
De liefde is den wech alleen,
De wijsheyt, waerheyt en het leuen,
De liefde Godts ons in ’t ghemeen
Bereyt den wech dat wy niet sneuen.
Voicy la sente tant chantée,
Par laquelle marchoyent les Dieux,
c’Est vrayement la voye lactée,
Par laquelle on s’esleue aux cieux.
Aimez seulement, & nostre ame
Pourra monter iusques à Christ;
Aimez seulement, & luy mesme
Descendra dedans vostre esprit.
Par laquelle marchoyent les Dieux,
c’Est vrayement la voye lactée,
Par laquelle on s’esleue aux cieux.
Aimez seulement, & nostre ame
Pourra monter iusques à Christ;
Aimez seulement, & luy mesme
Descendra dedans vostre esprit.

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plaveit de weg naar God. |
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Love paves the path for God |
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liefde is de weg van God naar de mensen en de weg van de mens naar God.
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Love is God's road to man, and man's road to God. |
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wegen zijn lieflijke wegen, al haar paden zijn vrede. |
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Love's ways are lovely ways, and its paths bring peace. |
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Liefde effent de weg naar het paleis van de hemel en al is hij smal, het is een koninklijk pad. |
Sources and parallels
Pictura remade in: Sternit iter Deo [78] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Sternit iter Deo [78] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Sacred love is spreading palm-branches and olive-branches on the road from which Christ is descending towards the human soul- God's perfections
- Christ and the Soul
- love towards God; 'Amore verso Iddio' (Ripa)
- journey to heaven, pathway to heaven
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- light shining out of the heavens
- trees: laurel (+ branch, stick)
- trees: palm-tree
- trees: palm-tree (+ branch, stick)
- (high) hill
- walking
- walking - AA - female human figure
- descending
- the soul during lifetime
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- road, path
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)