Odit timorem [50]

Aug.in ep. Ioann.& habetur de pœnit.
dist. 2. cap. sicut
Sicut seta introducit filum: ita timor introducit a-
morem, crescit amor, minuitur timor.
[Theologiae insulae
, ch/plv/plp/plc. 96/210/672/B]
[Gratianus, Decretum
, l1/l2/l3/l4/l5/plv/plp/plc. 2/33/3/2/17/187/153/A]
Sicut seta introducit filum: ita timor introducit a-
morem, crescit amor, minuitur timor.

Cassiod. in Psalm. 44.
Humanus timor diffidentiam tribuit: diuinus au-
tem firmamentum concedit.
[Cassiodorus, Expositio
, l1/l2/plv/plp/plc. 24/13/70/180/D]
Humanus timor diffidentiam tribuit: diuinus au-
tem firmamentum concedit.

Tanto minor sit timor, quanto patria, quò tendi-
mus, propior: maior enim timor debet esse peregri-
nantium, minor propinquantium, nullus peruenien-
tium; sic & timor perducit ad charitatem, & perfecta
charitas foras mittit timorem.
[Augustinus, Sermones
, l1/l2/l3/plv/plp. 348/3/4/39/1529]
Tanto minor sit timor, quanto patria, quò tendi-
mus, propior: maior enim timor debet esse peregri-
nantium, minor propinquantium, nullus peruenien-
tium; sic & timor perducit ad charitatem, & perfecta
charitas foras mittit timorem.

Ghelijckmen siet dat eenen draet
Wert met een borstel voort ghetoghen,
Soo oock de vrees’ inleyden gaet
De liefd’ hoe wel meer van vermoghen,
En als de vrees’ sijn wercken staeckt,
Wert sy van liefde wech ghedreuen,
Die sich alleen dan meester maeckt,
En sonder vreese wel kan leuen.
Wert met een borstel voort ghetoghen,
Soo oock de vrees’ inleyden gaet
De liefd’ hoe wel meer van vermoghen,
En als de vrees’ sijn wercken staeckt,
Wert sy van liefde wech ghedreuen,
Die sich alleen dan meester maeckt,
En sonder vreese wel kan leuen.
Le poil du porcq (chose exemplaire)
Meine le fil dans le soulier,
Et puis on le iette en arriere
Le soulier estant faict entier.
Ainsi la crainte dans nostre ame
Fait glisser l’amour poinct à poinct,
Et peu apres cét amour mesme
En chasse la crainte bien loing.
Meine le fil dans le soulier,
Et puis on le iette en arriere
Le soulier estant faict entier.
Ainsi la crainte dans nostre ame
Fait glisser l’amour poinct à poinct,
Et peu apres cét amour mesme
En chasse la crainte bien loing.

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haat angst. |
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een varkensharen naald een draad de stof in trekt, leidt angst liefde naar binnen: wanneer de liefde groeit, vermindert de
angst |
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Menselijke angst veroorzaakt wantrouwen, maar goddelijke vrees is de basis voor hoop. |
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Zoals de nacht vlucht voor de dag, vlucht de angst voor de stralen van de
liefde. |
Sources and parallels
- Cupid chasing a hare in: Amor timere neminem verus potest [51] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
- Metaphor of needle and thread applied to fear and love of God: Post tristia dulcor. [38] (in: Jacob Cats, Sinne- en minnebeelden (1627))
Pictura remade in: Odit timorem [95] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Metaphor of needle and thread applied to fear and love of God:Post tristia dulcor. [38] (in: Jacob Cats, Sinne- en minnebeelden (1627))
Metaphor of needle and thread applied to fear and love of God:Post tristia dulcor. [37] (in: Jacob Cats, Proteus (1618))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Post tristia dulcor. [37] (in: Jacob Cats, Proteus (1618))
- Post tristia dulcor. [38] (in: Jacob Cats, Sinne- en minnebeelden (1627))
- Odit timorem [95] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
- Amor timere neminem verus potest [51] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
- Carmen de amore (in: Otto Vaenius, Amoris divini emblemata (1615))
The human soul is seated, holding a needle and thread in one hand and a shoe in the other; sacredlove is chasing away a hare- God's perfections
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- rodents: hare (+ running animal)
- sitting on an elevation - AA - female human figure
- the soul during lifetime
- flight, running away; pursuing
- interior of the house
- closing, shutting the door
- oil-lamp (+ kindling a light; lit, burning light, lamp, candle)
- shoes, sandals
- needle ~ sewing
- mending, repairing ~ clothes
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- shoe-maker, cobbler (+ connecting, gripping, lashing, joining ~ industrial processes)
- Banishing Evil Thoughts; 'Repulsa de pensieri cattivi' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Confidence, Security, Tranquillity; 'Confidenza', 'Sicurezza e Tranquillité', 'Sicurté', 'Sicurté o Sicurezza', 'Tranquillité'
(Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Fear, Dread; 'Paura', 'Timidité o Timore', 'Timore' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)