Plenitudo legis est [60]

I. Tim. I.
Finis autem præcepti est charitas, de corde puro, &
conscientia bona, & fide non ficta.
1 Timothy 1:5]
Finis autem præcepti est charitas, de corde puro, &
conscientia bona, & fide non ficta.

August. de laude cha-
Quod latet & quod patet in diuinis sermonibus,
tenet, qui charitatem seruat in moribus.
[Augustinus, Sermones
, l1/l2/plv/plp. 350/2/39/1534]
Quod latet & quod patet in diuinis sermonibus,
tenet, qui charitatem seruat in moribus.

Finis præcepti est Charitas. Quo perficiuntur præ-
cepta, non quo consumuntur. finitur cibus, vt non sit;-
finitur tunica quæ texebatur vt perfecta sit. non sic er-
go finis præcepti dixit, quo quasi pereant præcepta, sed
quo perficiantur; & consummentur, non consumantur.
[Augustinus, Enarrrationes
, l1/l2/l3/plv/plp. 31/2/5/36/261]
Finis præcepti est Charitas. Quo perficiuntur præ-
cepta, non quo consumuntur. finitur cibus, vt non sit;-
finitur tunica quæ texebatur vt perfecta sit. non sic er-
go finis præcepti dixit, quo quasi pereant præcepta, sed
quo perficiantur; & consummentur, non consumantur.

De liefd’ is t’eynde vande wet,
En oock de volheyt der schrifturen,
Een ware ziel met goet opset
Sal blijuen inde liefde dueren:
Van liefde gheeft ghetuyghenis
t’Ghelooue met de goede wercken,
Oft onse liefde godlijck is,
Is hier alleen aen te bemercken.
En oock de volheyt der schrifturen,
Een ware ziel met goet opset
Sal blijuen inde liefde dueren:
Van liefde gheeft ghetuyghenis
t’Ghelooue met de goede wercken,
Oft onse liefde godlijck is,
Is hier alleen aen te bemercken.
Au dernier, cét Amour (mon ame)
Est le but & fin de la loy,
Car celuy qui purement ayme,
Comprend Dieu & ses lois en soy,
Reste de l’aymer & le suiure
Avec entiere affection,
Laquelle commença ce liure,
Et en est la conclusion.
Est le but & fin de la loy,
Car celuy qui purement ayme,
Comprend Dieu & ses lois en soy,
Reste de l’aymer & le suiure
Avec entiere affection,
Laquelle commença ce liure,
Et en est la conclusion.

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Ze is
de vervulling van de wet. |
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Love is the fulfilment of the law |
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het doel van de vermaning is liefde uit een rein hart, uit een goed geweten en
een ongeveinsd geloof. |
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The end of the command is love, from a pure heart, and from a good conscience, and from sincere faith. |
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die in wat hij doet de liefde bewaart, houdt vast aan wat in de Schriften
verborgen en openbaar is. |
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He who preserves love in his way of life has caught the meaning of what is hidden and what is patent in God's words. |
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God de Liefde zelf is, dan gehoorzaamt wie deze Koning het meest liefheeft, het
best zijn wet. |
Sources and parallels
Pictura remade in: Plenitudo legis est [105] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Plenitudo legis est [105] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
At the finish the human soul and sacred love are seated, resting their arm on the bible- God's perfections
- Old Testament and New Testament ~ Christian doctrine
- love towards God; 'Amore verso Iddio' (Ripa)
- the Bible as a book
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- clouds
- sitting on an elevation
- sitting on an elevation - AA - female human figure
- head held in the hand(s), with elbows leaning on an elevation or on the knees
- the soul during lifetime
- obelisks (garden ornaments) (+ variant)
- race-track (+ requirements, necessaries ~ sports and games)
[43C21213(+4)(WINNING POST)]
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- book
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)