Naturam vincit [20]

August. de gratia & liber.arbit.
A littera occidente confugiat homo ad Spiritum
viuificantem, & facultatem, quam non inuenit in na-
tura, quærat ex gratia; cuius præcipium donum est
[Prosperius, Contra Collatorem
, ch/sect/plv/plp/plc. 11/1/51/242/C]
A littera occidente confugiat homo ad Spiritum
viuificantem, & facultatem, quam non inuenit in na-
tura, quærat ex gratia; cuius præcipium donum est

Nihil habet homo in proprijs viribus, nisi periculi
facilitatem, sed potens fit ad omnia per charitatem.
[[Prosper of Aquitaine,] De vocatione omnium gentium
, bk/ch/plv/plp/plc. 1/6/51/652/C]
Nihil habet homo in proprijs viribus, nisi periculi
facilitatem, sed potens fit ad omnia per charitatem.

Het gheen natuere niet vermach,
De liefde salt te weghe brenghen,
Natuere brenght veel aen den dach,
En kan den mensch yet goets verlenghen,
Maer bouen tijdt de liefde sweeft,
En brenght de ziel int eeuwigh leuen,
Als haer natuer en tijdt begheeft:
Dus wilt den palm aen Liefde gheuen.
De liefde salt te weghe brenghen,
Natuere brenght veel aen den dach,
En kan den mensch yet goets verlenghen,
Maer bouen tijdt de liefde sweeft,
En brenght de ziel int eeuwigh leuen,
Als haer natuer en tijdt begheeft:
Dus wilt den palm aen Liefde gheuen.
Il est bien vray que la nature
Peult beaucoup en ce qu’elle a faict,
Mais l’amour en ceste figure
A plus de pouuoir & d’effect:
Ceste-là au mourir nous laisse,
Celuy-cy nous conduict aux cieux:
Donc à bon droict ie luy addreße
La palme de victorieux.
Peult beaucoup en ce qu’elle a faict,
Mais l’amour en ceste figure
A plus de pouuoir & d’effect:
Ceste-là au mourir nous laisse,
Celuy-cy nous conduict aux cieux:
Donc à bon droict ie luy addreße
La palme de victorieux.

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overwint de natuur. |
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Love conquers nature |
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Liefde vermag wat de natuur weigert. |
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Love has the power to do what nature denies. |
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Let man take refuge from the letter bringing death with life-making Spirit and let him seek the faculty he does not find
in nature in grace. The principal gift thereof is love. |
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mens vermag niets uit eigen kracht behalve de neiging tot gevaar, maar door de liefde is hij tot alles in staat. |
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Man has nothing in his own powers, except the propensity to danger, but he gains power through love. |
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Liefde is heel sterk, want ze kan met haar kracht de natuur zelf overwinnen.
Sources and parallels
- Cmp. for Naturam vincit [20]: [Bible
, 2 Corinthians 3:6]
References, across this site, to this page:
No references to this emblem or page found.Iconclass
Sacred love is pushing away Nature while the human soul is holding a palm-branch- God's perfections
- abbey, monastery, convent ~ Roman Catholic church
- 'Natura' (allegorical figure or scene; or as Diana of Ephesus, with many breasts); 'Natura' (Ripa)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- trees: palm-tree (+ branch, stick)
- (high) hill
- gripping someone by the arm (+ attacking somebody)
- walking - AA - female human figure
- the soul going to its last destination
- 'décolleté'
- Abstract Ideas and Concepts (+ abstract concept represented by female figure)
- Protection; 'Custodia', 'Difesa contra nimici, malefici & venefici', 'Difesa contra pericoli', 'Riparo da i tradimenti' (Ripa)
(+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ one concept conquering the other)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
Vulgate: ‘charitas’