Amor ædificat [36]

[No source given]
Humiliter sine inflatione, sobriè sine præsumptio-
ne, certitudinaliter sine hæsitatione, veraciter sine er-
rore, simpliciter sine deceptione, salubriter cum cha-
ritate & dilectione, vtiliter cum proximorum ædifica-
tione, liberaliter cum gratuita communicatione, effi-
caciter cum bona operatione; scienti enim bonum &
non facienti, peccatum est illi.
James 4:17]
Humiliter sine inflatione, sobriè sine præsumptio-
ne, certitudinaliter sine hæsitatione, veraciter sine er-
rore, simpliciter sine deceptione, salubriter cum cha-
ritate & dilectione, vtiliter cum proximorum ædifica-
tione, liberaliter cum gratuita communicatione, effi-
caciter cum bona operatione; scienti enim bonum &
non facienti, peccatum est illi. Ezec. ho. 5
Qui in occulto bene viuit, sed alieno profectui mi-
nimè proficit, carbo est. Qui verò in imitatione sancti -
tatis positus, lumen rectitudinis ex se multis demon-
strat, lampas est, quia & sibi ardet, & alijs lucet.
[Gregorius, Homiliae
, bk/l2/l3/plv/plp/plc. 1/5/7/76/823/D]
Qui in occulto bene viuit, sed alieno profectui mi-
nimè proficit, carbo est. Qui verò in imitatione sancti -
tatis positus, lumen rectitudinis ex se multis demon-
strat, lampas est, quia & sibi ardet, & alijs lucet.

De ziel verlieft heeft altijdt lust,
Om yet te bouwen en te stichten,
Tot deucht, tot weluaert, ofte rust,
Om andre t’herte te verlichten:
Godts liefde daer toe gratie gheeft,
En brenght de middel om te bouwen,
En maeckt dat die hier salich leeft,
Die op sijn gront kan vast betrouwen.
Om yet te bouwen en te stichten,
Tot deucht, tot weluaert, ofte rust,
Om andre t’herte te verlichten:
Godts liefde daer toe gratie gheeft,
En brenght de middel om te bouwen,
En maeckt dat die hier salich leeft,
Die op sijn gront kan vast betrouwen.
Nostre ame, en aimant, edifie,
Car c’est lors qu’auons les desseins
De bien façonner nostre vie
Pour l’exemple de nous prochains.
Donc que chacun de nous commence
Ceste sorte de bastiment:
Et nous viurons en asseurance,
Logez sur vn tel fondement.
Car c’est lors qu’auons les desseins
De bien façonner nostre vie
Pour l’exemple de nous prochains.
Donc que chacun de nous commence
Ceste sorte de bastiment:
Et nous viurons en asseurance,
Logez sur vn tel fondement.

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liefde bouwt. |
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Love is constructive. |
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een voorbeeld voor de gelovigen in woord, in wandel, in liefde, in geloof en reinheid, opdat aan allen blijke, dat gij vooruitgaat. |
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You have to be an example of the faithful in words, in dealings with others, in love, in faith, in chastity, so that your
progress is obvious to all. |
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liefde is de kalk van het christelijk bouwwerk en zonder hitte hardt ze slecht uit. |
Sources and parallels
- De Montenay, Emblèmes chrestiennes (web)
, embl. 1
Pictura remade in: Amor ædificat [81] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Building of a church in:Sapiens mulier ædificat domum [1] (in: Georgette de Montenay/Anna Roemer Visscher, Cent emblemes chrestiens (c. 1615))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Sapiens mulier ædificat domum [1] (in: Georgette de Montenay/Anna Roemer Visscher, Cent emblemes chrestiens (c. 1615))
- De Ziele in verlangen om ontbonden, en met Christo te zijn; Van 't Ewig Vaderlandt; Toezang; Sang [39] (in: Jan Luyken, Jesus en de ziel (1685))
- Amor ædificat [81] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Sacred love is bringing mortar to the human soul who is building a brick wall- God's perfections
- love towards God; 'Amore verso Iddio' (Ripa)
- church (exterior)
- altarcross, crucifix
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- sunrise
- the soul during lifetime
- container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- carrying something on the head or on the shoulders
- brick-layer at work
- clay and sand, etc. ~ building material
- tiles, bricks ~ building material
- tools and machines ~ building (with NAME)
- tools and machines ~ building (with NAME)
- pedestal of a piece of sculpture (perhaps in the form of a herm)
- Confidence, Security, Tranquillity; 'Confidenza', 'Sicurezza e Tranquillité', 'Sicurté', 'Sicurté o Sicurezza', 'Tranquillité'
(Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)