Amoris flagellum dulce [28]

August.super epist.Ioann.
Non omnis qui parcit amicus est, nec omnis qui
verberat inimicus: meliora sunt vulnera amici, quàm
fraudulenta oscula inimici.
[Augustinus, Epistolae
, epist/ch/sect/plv/plp. 93/2/4/33/323]
Non omnis qui parcit amicus est, nec omnis qui
verberat inimicus: meliora sunt vulnera amici, quàm
fraudulenta oscula inimici.

&habetur 23.q.5.Non potes.
Ne putes te tunc amare fi-
lium tuum, quando ei non das disciplinam; aut tunc a-
mare vicinum tuum, quando eum non corrigis. Non
est iste Amor sed languor; ferueat ad emendan-
dum & corrigendum.
[Gratianus, Decretum
, l1/l2/l3/l4/plv/plp/plc. 2/23/2/36/187/1228/C]
Ne putes te tunc amare fi-
lium tuum, quando ei non das disciplinam; aut tunc a-
mare vicinum tuum, quando eum non corrigis. Non
est iste Amor sed languor; ferueat ad emendan-
dum & corrigendum. epist.
O bona mater charitas, quæ siue fouerat infirmos,
siue exerceat prouectos, siue arguat inquietos, diuersis
diuersa exhibens, sicut filios diligit vniuersos. Cùm te
arguit, mitis est. cùm blanditur, simplex est. Piè solet
sæuire, sine dolo mulcere; patienter nouit irasci, humi -
liter indignari.
[Bernard, Epistolae
, epist/sect/plv/plp/plc. 2/1/182/80/A]
O bona mater charitas, quæ siue fouerat infirmos,
siue exerceat prouectos, siue arguat inquietos, diuersis
diuersa exhibens, sicut filios diligit vniuersos. Cùm te
arguit, mitis est. cùm blanditur, simplex est. Piè solet
sæuire, sine dolo mulcere; patienter nouit irasci, humi -
liter indignari.

Niet al is vrient die t’
alder tijdt
Verschoonen gaet al v ghebreken,
Noch oock en comt wt haet oft nijt
Des vrients berisp en teghen-spreken:
Veel beter ist te zijn ghewont
Door slaghen van een vrient in ’t herte,
Dan dat v vijant kust v mont,
Die v bereyt veel pijn en smerte.
Verschoonen gaet al v ghebreken,
Noch oock en comt wt haet oft nijt
Des vrients berisp en teghen-spreken:
Veel beter ist te zijn ghewont
Door slaghen van een vrient in ’t herte,
Dan dat v vijant kust v mont,
Die v bereyt veel pijn en smerte.
Celuy-là qui quelques coups
n’Est pas tousiours nostre ennemy,
Et celuy-là qui tout pardonne
n’Est iugé le meillleur amy.
Certes, qui ne punit ton vice
A peu d’affection vers toy,
Et son Amour n’est qu’artifice
Car le vray consiste au chastoy.
n’Est pas tousiours nostre ennemy,
Et celuy-là qui tout pardonne
n’Est iugé le meillleur amy.
Certes, qui ne punit ton vice
A peu d’affection vers toy,
Et son Amour n’est qu’artifice
Car le vray consiste au chastoy.

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is de gesel van de liefde. |
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Love's birch is sweet |
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ieder die u spaart is een vriend, niet ieder die u geselt een vijand. Beter zijn de wonden van een vriend
dan de bedrieglijke kussen van een vijand. |
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Not everyone who spares us is our friend, nor is everyone who whips us an enemy. Wounds inflicted by friends are better than
the disingenuous kisses of an enemy. |
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is voor een kind de gesel van de vader beter dan de schoot van de moeder. |
Sources and parallels
- Contrast the willingness of the soul and the scene’s mildness
with Hugo:
Confige timore tuo carnes meas [19] (in: Hermannus Hugo, Pia desideria (1624)) [Compare]
, see also Confige timore tuo carnes meas [19] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629)) [Compare]
- as illustrated in: Hugo, Pia desideria (ed. Arwaker)
, bk/embl. 2/4
Pictura remade in: Amoris flagellum dulce [73] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Compare:Confige timore tuo carnes meas [19] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Confige timore tuo carnes meas [19] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629))
- Amoris flagellum dulce [73] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Sacred love is hitting the human soul with a birch while she is kneeling in front of a crucifix- God's perfections
- one person praying
- crucifix ~ personal devotion
- church (exterior)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- (high) hill
- kneeling on both knees - AA - female human figure
- arms crossed over the breast - AA - female human figure
- the soul during lifetime
- instruments of torture, execution or punishment (with NAME)
- flogging, scourging (in public)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Punishment; 'Castigo', 'Pena', 'Punitione' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)