Nihil amanti grave [26]

Labores amantium onerosi non sunt, sed dele-
ctant; interest ergo quid ametur, quia in eo quod ama-
tur, aut non laboratur, aut labor ipse amatur.
[Augustinus, De bono viduitatis
, ch/sect/plv/plp. 21/26/40/448]
Labores amantium onerosi non sunt, sed dele-
ctant; interest ergo quid ametur, quia in eo quod ama-
tur, aut non laboratur, aut labor ipse amatur.

Al watter is en wert bedacht
Door liefd’ en arbeyt wert verkreghen,
De ziele door liefde gansch veracht
Ghewicht, of last hoe swaer om weghen:
Het is al licht al wat sy draecht,
Door pijn, noch quelling wert sy clachtich,
Na heet of kou sy niet en vraecht,
De liefde Godts die maeckt haer machtich.
Door liefd’ en arbeyt wert verkreghen,
De ziele door liefde gansch veracht
Ghewicht, of last hoe swaer om weghen:
Het is al licht al wat sy draecht,
Door pijn, noch quelling wert sy clachtich,
Na heet of kou sy niet en vraecht,
De liefde Godts die maeckt haer machtich.
Voyez ceste ame d’Amour pleine,
Que rien ne pourroit trop charger;
Il n’y a ni trauaux, ni peine,
Ni poix qui ne lui soit leger:
La douleur & la plainte cesse,
Et chacune difficulté
De victoire lui sert, & dresse
Des Trofez à sa charité.
Que rien ne pourroit trop charger;
Il n’y a ni trauaux, ni peine,
Ni poix qui ne lui soit leger:
La douleur & la plainte cesse,
Et chacune difficulté
De victoire lui sert, & dresse
Des Trofez à sa charité.

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is zwaar voor wie liefheeft. |
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For a lover nothing is heavy |
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juk is zacht en mijn last is licht. |
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My yoke is pleasant and my burden light. |
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Liefde die niet wil werken, was nooit echt; wie liefheeft, zwoegt niet, immers geen enkel werk is zwaar voor wie liefheeft.
Het is alleen de liefde die zich
schaamt voor het woord 'moeilijkheden'. |
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A love that refused to commit itself was never true. Also, who loves, does not toil, for all exertion is heavy to those who
do not love. It is love alone who is ashamed of the word 'difficult'. |
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liefde voelt geen bitterheid, maar zoetheid, omdat zoetheid de zuster is van de
liefde, zoals bitterheid de zuster van de haat is. |
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True love does not feel bitterness, but sweetness, because sweetness is the sister of love, just as the sister of hate is
bitterness. |
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juk van de Liefde is licht, omdat er geen last zwaar is bij iets wat wordt
bemind. |
Sources and parallels
- The willingness to undertake te labour of love, expressed with
the same attributes (part of the second quotation there attributed to
Cicero): Nulli cupiat cessisse labori [101] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
- Contrast the willingness of the soul to take on the labours
of love with the lashes Hugo gives her:
Vide humilitatem meam, & laborem meum [4] (in: Hermannus Hugo, Pia desideria (1624)) [Compare]
, see also Vide humilitatem meam [4] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629)) [Compare]
- as illustrated in: Hugo, Pia desideria (ed. Arwaker)
, bk/embl. 1/4
Pictura remade in: Nihil amanti grave [71] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Nihil amanti grave [71] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
- Nulli cupiat cessisse labori [101] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
Sacred love is handing a spade and the skull and hide of an ox to the human soul- God's perfections
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- groups of trees
- prospect of city, town panorama, silhouette of city
- the soul during lifetime
- quiver
- Labour
- agricultural implements: spade
- ox (+ head of an animal)
- ox (+ skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather)
- Willingness (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Strength, Power; 'Fortezza', 'Fortezza d'Animo e di corpo', 'Fortezza del corpo congiunta con la generosité dell'animo', 'Fortezza
& valore del corpo congiunto con la prudenza & virtù del animo', 'Forza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)