Omnia spernit [46]

August. in epist.Ioann.
Mundus transit & concupiscentia eius. quid vis?
vtrum amare temporalia, & transire cum tempore; an
Christum amare, & in æternum viuere?
[Augustinus, In Epistolam Ioannis
, ch/sect/plv/plp. 2/10/35/1994]
Mundus transit & concupiscentia eius. quid vis?
vtrum amare temporalia, & transire cum tempore; an
Christum amare, & in æternum viuere?

A Kempis imit.Christi,c.5.
Amor vult esse sursum, nec vllis infimis rebus re-
[Kempis, De imitatione Christi
, bk/ch. 3/5]
Amor vult esse sursum, nec vllis infimis rebus re-

Gregor. in registro.
Si consideremus, quæ & quanta sint quæ nobis pro-
mittuntur in cælo, vilescent animo omnia, quæ haben-
tur in terris: terrena namque substantia supernæ felici-
tati comparata pondus est, non subsidium.
[Gregorius, Homiliae
, ch/sect/plv/plp/plcb-plce. 37/1/76/1275/A-B]
Si consideremus, quæ & quanta sint quæ nobis pro-
mittuntur in cælo, vilescent animo omnia, quæ haben-
tur in terris: terrena namque substantia supernæ felici-
tati comparata pondus est, non subsidium.

De ziel door liefde goet, en eer
Veracht en laet om Christus wille,
En t’ghene daermen hier soo seer
Om loopt, en is in groot gheschille:
Sijn liefde gheenssins toe en laet
Dat eersucht ergens plaetse vinde,
Noyt adel, afcomst, naem, noch graet
En achte dien die recht beminde.
Veracht en laet om Christus wille,
En t’ghene daermen hier soo seer
Om loopt, en is in groot gheschille:
Sijn liefde gheenssins toe en laet
Dat eersucht ergens plaetse vinde,
Noyt adel, afcomst, naem, noch graet
En achte dien die recht beminde.
En aimant Dieu, l’ame mesprise
l’Honneur & les biens d’ici-bas,
Et tout ce dont sa conuoitise
Faisoit parauant tant de cas:
Car allant faire sa demeure
Auecques son amour aux cieux,
La terre luy sert à ceste heure
De retardement ennuyeux.
l’Honneur & les biens d’ici-bas,
Et tout ce dont sa conuoitise
Faisoit parauant tant de cas:
Car allant faire sa demeure
Auecques son amour aux cieux,
La terre luy sert à ceste heure
De retardement ennuyeux.

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wijst alles af. |
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Love spurns all |
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liefde is niet opgeblazen en houdt alles voor drek om Christus’ wil.
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Love is not covetous, and because of Christ values everything as dirt. |
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En de
wereld gaat voorbij en haar begeren. [1 Joh. 2:17a] Wat wilt u? Het tijdelijke liefhebben en samen met de tijd voorbijgaan,
of Christus liefhebben en eeuwig
leven? |
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The world passes and so does the lusting for it. What do you want? To love what is temporal, and to pass with time, or to
love Christ, and to live to eternity? |
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liefde wil in den hoge zijn en door geen dingen van omlaag weerhouden worden. |
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Love wants to be up on high, and does no wish to be held back by anything of so low an order. |
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Liefde laat alles achter, hoe mooi het ook is, voor datgene waarnaar ze verlangt. |
Sources and parallels
- Parallel for some elements of the pictura: Nescit amor magnis cedere divitiis [33] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
- Riches: De Montenay, Emblèmes chrestiennes (web)
, embl. 63
Pictura remade in: Omnia spernit [91] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Omnia spernit [91] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
- Nescit amor magnis cedere divitiis [33] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
Sacred love is leading the human soul away from a treasure-chest other symbols of worldly vanity such as a coat of arms and a genealogical tree- God's perfections
- love towards God; 'Amore verso Iddio' (Ripa)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- beasts of prey, predatory animals: lion (+ heraldic animals)
- double-headed eagle
- landscape with tower or castle
- leading someone by the hand or wrist
- index finger upwards
- trampling, treading, stamping on someone or something - AA - female human figure
- the soul during lifetime
- family lineage, pedigree, genealogical tree or table
- quiver
- coat of arms
- money-chest, treasure-chest, money-box
- piece of sculpture, reproduction of a piece of sculpture
- Relinquishment, Abandonment of Property (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Wealth, Opulence; 'Opulenza', 'Richezza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Contempt (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Honour, Glory; 'Ampiezza della Gloria', 'Gloria', 'Gloria de prencipi', 'Gloria & Honore', 'Honore', 'Sublimaté della Gloria'
(Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)