Amoris securitas [38]

Roman. 8.
Quid nos separabit à charitate Christi? tribula-
tio, an augustia, an fames, an nuditas, an periculum, an
persecutio, an gladius? In his omnibus superamus pro-
pter eum qui dilexit nos. Certus sum, quia neque
mors, neque vita, neque angeli, neque principatus, ne-
que virtutes, neque instantia, neque futura, neque for-
titudo, neque altitudo, neque profundum, neque crea-
tura alia poterit nos separare à charitate Dei.
Romans 8:35]
Romans 8:37]
Quid nos separabit à charitate Christi? tribula-
tio, an augustia, an fames, an nuditas, an periculum, an
persecutio, an gladius? In his omnibus superamus pro-
pter eum qui dilexit nos. Certus sum, quia neque
mors, neque vita, neque angeli, neque principatus, ne-
que virtutes, neque instantia, neque futura, neque for-
titudo, neque altitudo, neque profundum, neque crea-
tura alia poterit nos separare à charitate Dei.

Quis à te Domine separat, quod diligis? aut vbi nisi
apud te firma securitas?
[Augustinus, Confessiones
, bk/ch/sect/plv/plp. 2/6/13/32/681]
Quis à te Domine separat, quod diligis? aut vbi nisi
apud te firma securitas?

Wat isser dat kan hebben macht
Om ons van Christus liefd’ te scheyden?
Oprechte liefde doch veracht
Al t’gheen dat kan oft mach verleyden,
t’Sy hoocheyt, rijckdom, eere groot,
Veruolgingh, hongher, oft armoede,
Ellendicheyt, noch oock de doot:
Gherust wy blijuen in sijn hoede.
Om ons van Christus liefd’ te scheyden?
Oprechte liefde doch veracht
Al t’gheen dat kan oft mach verleyden,
t’Sy hoocheyt, rijckdom, eere groot,
Veruolgingh, hongher, oft armoede,
Ellendicheyt, noch oock de doot:
Gherust wy blijuen in sijn hoede.
Non, il n’y a rien qui me puisse
Oster de ceste liaison,
Ni des richesses l’artifice,
Ni la crainte, ni la prison,
Außi te suis-ie tant fidelle,
Que vainquant pour toy tout effort,
Amour ie viuray soubz ton aisle,
Iusqu’, apres, & malgré la mort.
Oster de ceste liaison,
Ni des richesses l’artifice,
Ni la crainte, ni la prison,
Außi te suis-ie tant fidelle,
Que vainquant pour toy tout effort,
Amour ie viuray soubz ton aisle,
Iusqu’, apres, & malgré la mort.

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zekerheid van de liefde. |
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Love's security |
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scheidt, o Heer, van u wat gij liefhebt, of waar is onverstoorbare zekerheid dan bij u? |
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Who, my Lord, separates from you what you love? Or where else is security assured but with You? |
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zwaard, noch vuur scheiden hem die waarachtig liefheeft van wie hij liefheeft. |
Sources and parallels
- The faithful soul attacked by its enemies: De Montenay, Emblèmes chrestiennes (web)
, embl. 67
Pictura remade in: Amoris securitas [83] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Amoris securitas [83] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Sacred love embraces the human soul to protect her from vices and dangers- God's perfections
- fire (one of the four elements)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- sitting on an elevation
- sitting on an elevation - AA - female human figure
- Death as (rotting) corpse (+ Death with scythe)
- the soul during lifetime
- embracing each other, kissing
- threatening behaviour, challenging
- camp-fire; watch-fire
- government, the State; 'Politica', 'Auttorité o Potesté' (Ripa)
- crown (symbol of sovereignty)
- sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty)
- law and jurisprudence (+ handcuffs, fetters)
- administration of justice, trial
- prison personnel: jailers, warders, guards
- militarism
- the soldier; the soldier's life
- hacking and thrusting weapons: sword
- quiver
- Preservation, Sustenance; 'Salvezza', 'Sostanza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Confidence, Security, Tranquillity; 'Confidenza', 'Sicurezza e Tranquillité', 'Sicurté', 'Sicurté o Sicurezza', 'Tranquillité'
(Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed with wings)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)