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Libertas Amoris [71]


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Libertas Amoris.translation
Bernard. L. Iustin.
CÆli & cellæ1 habitatio cognata est; & quem-
admodum ad invicem videntur habere ali-
quam cognationem nominis sic & pietatis, à cel-
lâ enim sæpè ad cœlum ascendimus. ipsa enim est
sponsi reclinatorium, Amantium aula, virtutum
custos, tranquillitatis portus, additamentum pa-
cis, medela vitiorum, contemplationis locus, ta-
bernaculum fæderis, nuptialis thalamus, portus
irriguus, paradisus deliciarum, cœli ianua, schola
scientiæ, conscientiæ cathedra, magistra silentij &
spiritualis scala vsque ad polorum alta pertingēs.
in ea si quis absque torpore persistit, fugit lites,
nescit odia, detractioni non vacat, temeraria iu-
dicia minimè facit, abhorret ocium nec veretur
mortem. Eia, Anima, quæ temetipsam Deo vouisti vt so-
litariæ vitæ perfectionem apprehēdere valeas, cel-
lulæ habitationem dilige, illam tene, illam ample-
ctere, de eâ nisi vrgente necessitate rationabili, seu
corporis impellente infirmitate vel fraternâ sua-
dente charitate exire noli. in ea sint tuæ spirituales
deliciæ atque interna solatia: & sine dubio cum
Amor duxerit te in solitudinem, Dominus loque-
tur ad cor tuum. elonga ergo fugiens & mane in
solitudine, si veram libertatem spiritus assequi
concupiscis. translation

Cella Amanti cælum est. translation

Dedans ce solitaire lieu,
Ie regneray, seruant mon Dieu.

Libertéde l'Amour.
Puis que i'estois iadis prisonniere à moy mesme,
Et qu' amour maintenant me la faict de qui i'ayme,
Qu' ayie fait en effect que chāger de prison?
Mais si l'on peut jamais gaigner à quelque change,
Qui d'homme que i'estois me verra viure en ange,
S'il dit, que i'ay gaigné, n'aurat-il pas raison?

Assi lo manda el amor
Que estè la carne cautiua
Y que el alma libre viua.

Ghy/ die des lichaems banden siet/
En siet der sielen vrijheyt niet/

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Freedom of love.
Living in heaven and living in a cell are related. And like the words for these two appear to be connected, so they also resemble each other in piety, for often we ascend from the cell to heaven. For she is the couch2 of the bridegroom, court of lovers, guardian of virtues, haven of tranquility, enhancement of peace, remedy against vice, place of contemplation, tabernacle of the Covenant, bridal bed, well-watered port, paradise of delights, door to heaven, school of knowledge, seat of conscience, mistress of silence and spiritual stairway reaching to the heights of the poles. Whoever persistently leads a life in that cell without defiling her shuns quarrels, knows not of hatred, has no room for detraction, hardly ever passes rash judgement, abhors idleness and fears death. Come, soul, who have devoted yourself to God so that you may be able to learn the perfection of a solitary life, love living in a cell, hold on to it, embrace it, do not leave it unless reasonable necessity urges you, or physical illness forces you, or brotherly love persuades you. Let your spiritual delights and inner comforts reside with her and without doubt when love will have lead you into solitude, God will speak to your heart. Flee far away and remain in solitude, if you want to attain true freedom of spirit.
To the lover the cell is heaven.

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    Sources and parallels

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    In a small cell the soul is making a basket

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    'Caeli et cellae', pronounced as 'chaylee' and 'chellay'.
    'For she is the couch ...': she, i.e., the cell.