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L'Amour divin [2]


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Θεοφιλια. II.translation
August. Idiot. Bernard. Idiot.
AMor Dei, est rectissima animi affectio, quâ
diligitur Deus propter se, & proximus
propter Deum. O Amor præceps! Amor fla-
grans, Amor vehemens, Amor te intra te cohi-
bere non valens: qui præter te aliud cogitare
non finis: fastidis cætera, contemnis omnia præ-
ter te. dulciter capis, strenue stringis, sapienter
erudis, gloriosè illaqueas, oneras delectabiliter,
fœliciter vris, in dicto expectaris, nec consilio
temperaris, nec pudore refrenaris, neque rationi
subijceris. affectus es desiderabilis, experientia
dulcis, iucunditate plenus, fruitione æternus: sa-
tians & reficiens, numquam fastidium generans;
vbi es, labor non est, sed sapor. teipso contentus
es; donas libertatem, pellis timorem, laborem
non sentis, meritum non respicis, præmium non
requiris: dissimulas & exspectas, sustines delin-
quentem, eumqueue benignè trahis, adducis, &
conuerti facis ab errore viæ eius. felix Amor, ex
quo oritur strenuitas morum, puritas affectio-
num, subtilitas intellectuum, desideriorum san-
ctitas, operum charitas, virtutum fæcunditas,
meritorum dignitas, præmiorum sublimitas. A-
mor tuus Domine fons vitæ est, nec viuere anima
potest quæ non hauserit ex illo, neque haurire
potest nisi præsens fuerit ipsi fonti, scilicet tibi,
Iesv Christe , qui es fons totius amoris.translation

Amor diuinus. translation

Ie suis celuy qui seul peut heureux faire viure,
Ie suis l'Amour diuin, vienne qui me veut suiure.

L'Amour diuin.
Dites-moy ce que c'est? qu' est-ce que l'on appelle?
Vn feu perpetuel, vne ardeur eternelle,
Vn voluntaire vol, vn l'arcin sans retour,
Vn aigle en ses regards, vn arc à blesser ames,
Vn ancre à les tenir, vn soleil plein de flames?
Le voulez vous sçauoir? c'est le diuin Amour.

Es sin duda que este amor,
Pues que se alexa del suelo,
Deue ser amor del Cielo.

Des Hemels vier/ Godts liefde zoet/
Ick ben 't/ die weldich leuen doet.

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Love of God.1
The love of God is the most right passion of the heart, by which God is loved because of Himself and is nearest because of God. Oh love head over heels, burning love, wild love, love that cannot keep to itself: that does not cease to think of anything else but You. You disdain other things, you despise everything except You; you enchant sweetly, you powerfully bind, you wisely instruct, you gloriously snare, you delightfully burden, you in happiness burn, in what was said you are eagerly awaited, you do not let yourself be lead by prudence, you are not held back by shame, you do not subject yourself to any reason. You are a desirable emotion, a sweet experience, you are full of cheerfulness, to be enjoyed eternally, satisfying and restoring, never creating aversion; where you are there is no toil, but relish. You self-sufficient; you give freedom, you drive away fear, you do not feel strain, you have no regard for earning merit, you do not ask a reward, you turn a blind eye and wait, you support who goes astray, you gently pull him along, take him home, make him amend the errors in the way he lives. Fruitful love, from which arise strict morals, pure feelings, subtle understanding, impeccable desires, works of love, wealth of moral stature, worthiness of merits, sublime rewards. Your love, my Lord, is the spring of life and if the soul has not drunk from that, it cannot live unless it is present to the spring itself, that is, You, Jesus Christ, who are the spring of love.
Divine love.

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    References, across this site, to this page:

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    Sacred love, holding a bow and a column with wings(?), stands on the back of an eagle flying towards heaven

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    Translation of the Greek header.