Instantia Amoris [29]

CVr faciem tuam abscondis, & arbitraris me
inimicum tuum? vsquequo auertes illam à
me? poterisne obliuisci inopiæ & tribulationis
meæ? nequaquam. peccaui, fateor culpam, pecca-
ui. sed dic, Domine, quid faciam tibi: scio, dicam
in corde meo recedat omnis iniustitia, vt te dili-
gam ex totis viribus meis: recedat igitur omnis
zelotypia, ne tecum aliquid amem quod propter
te non amem. igitur faciem tuam fac elucescere
super me seruire tibi cupientem, & lumine tuo
salutari illustrans cor meum, vultum tuum de-
monstra mihi; fimbriam vestimenti tui tetigi, sal-
uam me fac. inuocantem te ne deseras, quia prius-
quam te inuocarem me vocasti & quæsisti, vt ego
te quærerem, quærendo inuenirem, & inuentum
amarem. quæsiui te, & inueni Domine, & amare
te desidero. auge desiderium meum & da quod
peto, quoniam si cuncta quæ fecisti mihi dederis
non sufficit famulæ tuæ nisi teipsum dederis; da
ergo teipsam mihi: Deus meus redde te mihi, en
amo te, & si parum est, amem validius. tui ergo
amore teneor, tui desiderio flagro, aspice in me
& miserere mei.
CVr faciem tuam abscondis, & arbitraris me
inimicum tuum? vsquequo auertes illam à
me? poterisne obliuisci inopiæ & tribulationis
meæ? nequaquam. peccaui, fateor culpam, pecca-
ui. sed dic, Domine, quid faciam tibi: scio, dicam
in corde meo recedat omnis iniustitia, vt te dili-
gam ex totis viribus meis: recedat igitur omnis
zelotypia, ne tecum aliquid amem quod propter
te non amem. igitur faciem tuam fac elucescere
super me seruire tibi cupientem, & lumine tuo
salutari illustrans cor meum, vultum tuum de-
monstra mihi; fimbriam vestimenti tui tetigi, sal-
uam me fac. inuocantem te ne deseras, quia prius-
quam te inuocarem me vocasti & quæsisti, vt ego
te quærerem, quærendo inuenirem, & inuentum
amarem. quæsiui te, & inueni Domine, & amare
te desidero. auge desiderium meum & da quod
peto, quoniam si cuncta quæ fecisti mihi dederis
non sufficit famulæ tuæ nisi teipsum dederis; da
ergo teipsam mihi: Deus meus redde te mihi, en
amo te, & si parum est, amem validius. tui ergo
amore teneor, tui desiderio flagro, aspice in me
& miserere mei.

Instance de l'Amour.
Arreste vn peu Amour, car si ie dois suruiure,
Il me faut l'vn des deux, t'arrester ou te suiure,
Car ie ne voudrois pas, pouuoir viure sans toy:
Que si par mon malheur iamais ne merite,
D'empescher ton depart, ou d'arrester ta fuitte,
Vienne la douce mort, car il est faict de moy.
Arreste vn peu Amour, car si ie dois suruiure,
Il me faut l'vn des deux, t'arrester ou te suiure,
Car ie ne voudrois pas, pouuoir viure sans toy:
Que si par mon malheur iamais ne merite,
D'empescher ton depart, ou d'arrester ta fuitte,
Vienne la douce mort, car il est faict de moy.
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Insistence of love. |
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Why do you hide Your face from me and believe I am Your enemy? How long will You avert it from me? Will you be able to forget
my poverty and my troubles? Never. I have sinned, I confess my guilt, I have sinned. But tell me, Lord, what I should do for
You. I know, I will say: let all injustice recede from my heart, that I can love You with all my powers. Let therefore all
jealousy go away, lest I love something together with You I love something else that I may not love because of You. Therefore
let Your face start shining over me as I desire to serve You, and by illuminating my heart with Your saving light show Your
face to me. I have touched the hem of Your clothing, make me well3. Do not leave me when I call out to You, because before I called out to You, You called me and sought me, so that I might
search for You, and in searching I found You, and after finding I loved You. I sought You and found You, Lord, and I long
to love You. Increase my longing and give what I am trying to get, because if You gave me all you have done, it is not enough
for Your servant, unless You give Yourself. Therefore, my God, give yourself back to me4. Look: I love You, and if it is too little, may I love You even more. I am held, therefore, by love for You, I burn with
longing for You, cast Your eyes on me and have mercy. |
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I sinned. What must I do to You?5 |
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Cast Your eyes on me and have mercy6. |
Sources and parallels
Possibly based on, not mirrored: Instantia amoris. [10] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
The pictura and the handwritten subscriptio were used by Van Hoogstraten in 1709.Ootmoed wekt vergeving [31] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
Porteman 1975, p. 212. Altered pictura in: Hugo, Pia desideria
, bk/embl. 1/7
Porteman 1975, p. 212. Altered pictura in: Hugo, Pia desideria
, bk/embl. 3/40
References, across this site, to this page:
- Instantia amoris. [10] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
- Ootmoed wekt vergeving [31] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
A weeping woman - the soul - is holding the hem of sacred love's dress- God's perfections
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- kneeling figure - AA - female human figure
- wiping away tears
- drawing, pulling something - AA - female human figure
- adult woman
- flight, running away; pursuing
- Torment; 'Tribulatione' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Mercy, Compassion; 'Compassione', 'Misericordia' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- the dialogue ~ Job discussing with his friends (with BOOK CHAPTER:VERSE)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
Job 7:20.
Ps. 119(118):32.
"fimbriam vestimenti tui tetigi, saluam me fac": based on Matth. 9:21. The feminine 'saluam', because the story referred to
here from Matthew is about the healing of a woman.
"da ergo teipsam mihi": 'teipsam' is probably incorrect as it refers to Dominus. It has no consequences for the translation.
NRSV has: 'If I sin, what do I do to you?' The idea to be supplied is: 'so, that You are as angry as You are (which I find
'Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me' (KJV). 'Turn to me and be gracious to me' (NRSV)