
IN Libro primo potissimum egi de Amore humano &
prauis effectibus eius; in hoc potissimum agam de A-
more diuino & sanctis effectibus eius. est igitur A-
mor hic affectio vehemens cordis & animæ ac mentis
applicatio ad aliquid diligendum: inclinat enim Amor
Amantem. neque enim in hoc laborat, licet labor non
amantibus grauis sit; neque difficultatem non nouit
sed impatiens est nisi inueniat quod desiderat: nec aliud
cogitat quam quod diligit; nec accipit de dilatione so-
latium. Lucerna fulgoris verus Amor, ardens in mente
per desideriū, & splendens in facie per exemplum & hic
Amor iam nudus non est & purè naturalis, sed indutus
fontani Amoris radio; iā infusus, iā purgatus, iam illu-
minatus & eleuatus supra naturæ potentiam; iam pa-
tiens, iam formatus, qui cum forma est, pure naturalis
& per se agens informis est, impotens & depressus, A-
mor naturalis, fulgor oculi in tenebris: Amor infusus
fulgor oculi in lumine, vel verius, lumen efficax in
prauis effectibus eius; in hoc potissimum agam de A-
more diuino & sanctis effectibus eius. est igitur A-
mor hic affectio vehemens cordis & animæ ac mentis
applicatio ad aliquid diligendum: inclinat enim Amor
Amantem. neque enim in hoc laborat, licet labor non
amantibus grauis sit; neque difficultatem non nouit
sed impatiens est nisi inueniat quod desiderat: nec aliud
cogitat quam quod diligit; nec accipit de dilatione so-
latium. Lucerna fulgoris verus Amor, ardens in mente
per desideriū, & splendens in facie per exemplum & hic
Amor iam nudus non est & purè naturalis, sed indutus
fontani Amoris radio; iā infusus, iā purgatus, iam illu-
minatus & eleuatus supra naturæ potentiam; iam pa-
tiens, iam formatus, qui cum forma est, pure naturalis
& per se agens informis est, impotens & depressus, A-
mor naturalis, fulgor oculi in tenebris: Amor infusus
fulgor oculi in lumine, vel verius, lumen efficax in

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And Description of Love In the first book I have chosen to treat human love and its evil effects. In this one I will above all treat divine love and the holy effects thereof. Thus this love is the violent emotion of the heart and the applying of soul and mind to loving something. For love manipulates the lover. Now for the lover this is not a heavy burden to bear, although for non-lovers toil weighs them down. Also he knows all about trouble, but cannot bear it unless he finds what he desires. Nor does he think of anything else than that which he loves. Nor does he allow himself to be consoled when fulfillment is delayed. True love is a splendidly shining torch, burning2 in the mind through desire and shining on the face through example, and this love is no longer naked and purely physical, but enveloped by the radiance of love, which is its source. Already purified, already illuminated and elevated above the power of nature, then love that is combined with beauty endures and is beautiful. Physical love is a gleaming of the eye in darkness, and as it acts on its own impulse, it is formless, tyrannical and degraded; or more according to the truth it is the light in the splendour that causes the effects. Love leads the other emotions towards itself and captivates them. For love itself is strong when it is with what is loved, it withers away when this is absent. |