Balneum Amoris [54]

EFfundam super vos aquam mundam & mun-
dabimini ab omnibus iniquitatibus vestris.
Lauamini, igitur, & mundi estote, auferte ma-
lum cogitationum cordis vestri: si fuerint peccata
vestra vt coccinum, quasi nix dealbabuntur; & si
fuerint rubra quasi vermiculus, velut lana alba
Omnis anima viuens quæ serpit, quocumque
venerit torrens, viuet. & nisi quis renatus fuerit ex
aqua & Spiritu Sancto non potest intrare in reg-
num Dei. O Fons veri Amoris & immensæ dul-
cedinis, Domine, qui numquam deficis sed sem-
per reficis, ego miserabilis peccator oneratus ma-
gno pondere peccatorum, magnam sitim amori
patior, quia à te fonte viuô fui nimium elonga-
tus: deducere me ergo digneris ad te, fontem a-
moris & dilectionis, vt lauē à malitia cor meum.
vt hauriam aquam tanti amoris tui, illam bibam
illâ recreer, illius suauitatem & saporem degu-
stem, ex illâ lauetur & mundetur anima mea ab
omni macula peccati, vt mundata ab omni in
quinamento tibi placeat, tibi seruiat, ac tecum
viuat per amorem.
EFfundam super vos aquam mundam & mun-
dabimini ab omnibus iniquitatibus vestris.
Lauamini, igitur, & mundi estote, auferte ma-
lum cogitationum cordis vestri: si fuerint peccata
vestra vt coccinum, quasi nix dealbabuntur; & si
fuerint rubra quasi vermiculus, velut lana alba
Omnis anima viuens quæ serpit, quocumque
venerit torrens, viuet. & nisi quis renatus fuerit ex
aqua & Spiritu Sancto non potest intrare in reg-
num Dei. O Fons veri Amoris & immensæ dul-
cedinis, Domine, qui numquam deficis sed sem-
per reficis, ego miserabilis peccator oneratus ma-
gno pondere peccatorum, magnam sitim amori
patior, quia à te fonte viuô fui nimium elonga-
tus: deducere me ergo digneris ad te, fontem a-
moris & dilectionis, vt lauē à malitia cor meum.
vt hauriam aquam tanti amoris tui, illam bibam
illâ recreer, illius suauitatem & saporem degu-
stem, ex illâ lauetur & mundetur anima mea ab
omni macula peccati, vt mundata ab omni in
quinamento tibi placeat, tibi seruiat, ac tecum
viuat per amorem.

Baing de l'Amour.
Raisin d'Amour qu' vne rigeur estrange,
Pour mes peches, presse, foule, & vandange,
Tant que l'on voit desborder cest estang:
Permettés moy que i'y baigne & respasme
Ce cœur atteint des tasches de mon ame,
Qui ne se peut lauer qu' en vostre sang.
Raisin d'Amour qu' vne rigeur estrange,
Pour mes peches, presse, foule, & vandange,
Tant que l'on voit desborder cest estang:
Permettés moy que i'y baigne & respasme
Ce cœur atteint des tasches de mon ame,
Qui ne se peut lauer qu' en vostre sang.
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Bath of love. |
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I will pour pure water over you and you will be purified of all your sins. Therefore, wash yourself and be clean, take away
the evil thoughts of your heart. If your sins were like scarlet, they will become white as snow. And if they were red like
crimson, they will be like white wool. And wherever the river goes every living creature which swarms will live5, and only he who is reborn from water and the Holy Spirit can enter the kingdom of God. O spring of true love and immeasurable sweetness, Lord, who never deserts us and always restores us, I, a miserable sinner laden with a great weight of sins, I suffer great thirst for Your love, because I was too far removed from You, living spring; therefore, condescend to lead me to You, fountain of love and affection, that I may wash the wickedness from my heart, that I may draw the water of so great a love as Yours, that I may drink it, be refreshed by it, that I may taste its sweet taste, that my soul may wash itself from its waters and be purified, that when it has been cleansed of all wickedness it be pleasing to You, serve You, and live with You out of love. |
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Wash your heart clean of wickedness so that you may be saved.6 |
Sources and parallels
Possibly based on, fenced garden and plants in the foreground added, in: Balneum amoris. [26] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
Parallel for the pictura (exact copy), the same Latin bible quotation and French epigram, in:Het bloed Christi reynigt ons van alle onze zonden [34] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Balneum amoris. [26] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
- Het bloed Christi reynigt ons van alle onze zonden [34] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
The soul is washing its heart in the fountain that is filled with the blood of sacred love- God's perfections
- 'Fons Vitae', 'Fons Pietatis' (+ variant)
- the Sacred Blood
- penitence, repentance; 'Penitenza', 'Pentimento', 'Pentimento de'peccati', 'Purgatione de peccati' (Ripa)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- heart
- blood
- washing and bathing - AA - in the open air (+ variant)
- adult woman
- French or architectonic garden; formal garden
- utilitarian, public pump or water fountain (+ variant)
- Preservation, Sustenance; 'Salvezza', 'Sostanza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Viciousness, Naughtiness (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
'Effundam ... iniquitatibus vestris': Ezech. 36:25.
'si fuerint peccata vestra ... velut lana [alba] erunt': Jes. 1:18.
'Omnis anima ... viuet': Ezech. 47:9
'Lava ... fias': Jer. 4:14.
'And wherever the river goes every living creature which swarms will live': transl. NRSV.
'salva' refers to 'Jerusalem' (here fem., mostly neutr. plur.) that immediately precedes in Jeremiah. In the present context
'salva' may be taken to refer to 'anima'.