Torpor Amoris [23]

Nil Amore callidius, nil aduersario nequius;
quoties aliquem in scelus aliquod pellicit,
non statim formatum ac suis depictum coloribus
id ipsum proponit, sed â paruis fere initijs, non
tam malis, quam ad malum in sensibili quodam
modo vergentibus, rem orditur, atque ita sensim
vlterius progrediendo, id, quod intendit, patrat.
nemo repentè fuit turpissimus. Dauidem in ho-
micidium propellere dum vult, si rect à eo tendat,
horrebit nomen sceleris, bonus Rex. oculum ita-
que primo suggerit vagantem curiosum, mox o-
tium, mox incuriam, mox torporem, ex quibus
ortâ libidine, suggerit & adulterium; denique
istis præmissis, vt necessarium, infert homici-
dium. omne peccatum, superbum est, amat asse-
clam. fuge igitur torporem, o Anima, si vis vt
non aufugiat à te spiritus sancti gratia. surge,
propera amica mea, non enim dormientibus pro-
uenit regnum cœlorum, nec otio & desidiâ tor-
pentibus beatitudo æternitatis repromittitur. qui
vult regnare cum Deo, debet laborare pro Deo.
doceat te paganus, vbi socordiæ atque ignauiæ te
tradideris, nequicquam Deos implores, irati enim
infensiqueue sunt.
Nil Amore callidius, nil aduersario nequius;
quoties aliquem in scelus aliquod pellicit,
non statim formatum ac suis depictum coloribus
id ipsum proponit, sed â paruis fere initijs, non
tam malis, quam ad malum in sensibili quodam
modo vergentibus, rem orditur, atque ita sensim
vlterius progrediendo, id, quod intendit, patrat.
nemo repentè fuit turpissimus. Dauidem in ho-
micidium propellere dum vult, si rect à eo tendat,
horrebit nomen sceleris, bonus Rex. oculum ita-
que primo suggerit vagantem curiosum, mox o-
tium, mox incuriam, mox torporem, ex quibus
ortâ libidine, suggerit & adulterium; denique
istis præmissis, vt necessarium, infert homici-
dium. omne peccatum, superbum est, amat asse-
clam. fuge igitur torporem, o Anima, si vis vt
non aufugiat à te spiritus sancti gratia. surge,
propera amica mea, non enim dormientibus pro-
uenit regnum cœlorum, nec otio & desidiâ tor-
pentibus beatitudo æternitatis repromittitur. qui
vult regnare cum Deo, debet laborare pro Deo.
doceat te paganus, vbi socordiæ atque ignauiæ te
tradideris, nequicquam Deos implores, irati enim
infensiqueue sunt.

Nescit tarda molimina
Spiritus sancti gratia. Ambros.1
Spiritus sancti gratia. Ambros.1

Paresse de l'Amour.
Pouquoy crois tu, qu' Amour porte des aisles,
Carquois, & traits, fleches, plumes isnelles,
Ne veois tu pas que cest qu' il est soudain?
Iamais l'Amour, n'aima lente poursuitte,
Sus, leue toy, auance, & va plus viste,
Car autrement cest le chercher en vain,
Pouquoy crois tu, qu' Amour porte des aisles,
Carquois, & traits, fleches, plumes isnelles,
Ne veois tu pas que cest qu' il est soudain?
Iamais l'Amour, n'aima lente poursuitte,
Sus, leue toy, auance, & va plus viste,
Car autrement cest le chercher en vain,
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The lethargy of love. |
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Nothing is craftier than love, nothing worse when it is the adversary. As often as it entices somebody to commit some crime,
it does not immediately propose just this in a distinct form and under its own colours, but it often starts from insignificant
beginnings -- not so much bad as in some perceptible way veering towards evil --, and in slowly moving up further achieves
its plan. Nobody becomes completely shameful overnight. When it wants to put David to committing a murder, if he would go
directly towards its goal, the good king will shudder of the term 'crime'. Therefore he first provides a roaming, interested
gaze, then leisure, then negligence, then lethargy, from which he once lust has been roused he provides adultery. Finally,
writh these as premises, he infers that murder is an inevitable conclusion. All sin is imperious, it loves a lackey. Flee,
dear soul, from lethargy, if you do not wish the grace of the Holy Spirit to flee away from you. Rise, make haste my friend,
the kingdom of heaven comes to those who do not sleep and the bliss of eternity lies not in store for those who are numbed
by leisure and dissolution. Who wants to be king with God, has to work for God.2 May the pagan teach you: as soon as you deliver yourself to lassitude and wickedness, you would beseech the Gods without success, for they are angry and hostile to you.3 |
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The grace of the Holy Spirit does not know slow undertakings.4 |
Sources and parallels
Possibly based on, different motto, background landscape and an inscription tablet on the cross added, in: Desidia amoris mundani. [7] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
Similar pictura (but lying woman without rosary), the same Latin quotation of Ambrosius and the same French epigram,
in:Men jaagt zomtijds voor een ander [30] (in: Willem den Elger, Zinne-beelden der liefde (1703))
Similar pictura (but lying woman without a rosary), the same Latin quotation of Ambrosius and the same French epigram,
in:Regt, en voorwaars [32] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Desidia amoris mundani. [7] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
- Men jaagt zomtijds voor een ander [30] (in: Willem den Elger, Zinne-beelden der liefde (1703))
- Regt, en voorwaars [32] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
Sacred love raises his hand towards the Holy Ghost, represented as a dove, flying towards a cross; a woman lying on a cart drawn by two turtles- God's perfections
- cross as symbol of Christ
- Holy Ghost represented as a dove (in flames)
- Sloth, Indolence, 'Acedia', 'Desidia'; 'Accidia' (Ripa) ~ personification of one of the Seven Deadly Sins
- aids for prayer, e.g. rosary
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- tortoises, turtles (+ animal(s) pulling, drawing something)
- lying on one side, with uplifted upper part of the body and leaning on the arm - AA - female human figure
- ascending (movement in the air)
- adult woman
- heavenly love versus earthly love
- Love: 'Frau Minne' and other allegories
- cushion
- animal-drawn sledge (Dutch: 'toeslede')
- Sluggishness, Inertia; 'Dapocaggine', 'Pigritia' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)