Protectio Amoris [32]

ADmiranda Amantis fiducia, imitanda huius
animæ fides! quæ in medio leonum rugien-
tium non titubat, in medio crudelissimarum fera-
rum non desperat; sed plena Amore diuino, ple-
na constantiâ, spe plenissima clamitat, Dominus
illuminatio mea & salus mea quem timebo; Do-
minus protector vitæ meæ2 à quo trepidabo? dum
appropiant super me nocentes vt edant carnes
meas3, ipsi infirmati sunt, & ceciderunt. si consi-
stant aduersum me castra, non timebit cor meum,
si exurgat aduersum me præliū in hoc ego spera-
bo: vnam petij à Domino, hanc requiram vt in-
habitem in domo Domini omnibus diebus vitæ
meæ. igitur Domine respice in me, restitue ani-
mam meam à malignitate eorum, à leonibus vni-
cam meam. sic tu, o mens pia, cum te sentis pra-
uis cogitationibus oppugnari, & enormibus ten-
tationibus obrui, quæ tamquam feræ & crudeles
bestiæ quærunt animam tuam mortiferis pecca-
torum morsibus dilacerare, noli titubare, noli de-
sperare; si amas, credidisti; si amas, sperasti; si
credidisti & sperasti, non consensisti, non pecca-
sti: Amor enim protexit te; Ama igitur semper &
non peccabis.
ADmiranda Amantis fiducia, imitanda huius
animæ fides! quæ in medio leonum rugien-
tium non titubat, in medio crudelissimarum fera-
rum non desperat; sed plena Amore diuino, ple-
na constantiâ, spe plenissima clamitat, Dominus
illuminatio mea & salus mea quem timebo; Do-
minus protector vitæ meæ2 à quo trepidabo? dum
appropiant super me nocentes vt edant carnes
meas3, ipsi infirmati sunt, & ceciderunt. si consi-
stant aduersum me castra, non timebit cor meum,
si exurgat aduersum me præliū in hoc ego spera-
bo: vnam petij à Domino, hanc requiram vt in-
habitem in domo Domini omnibus diebus vitæ
meæ. igitur Domine respice in me, restitue ani-
mam meam à malignitate eorum, à leonibus vni-
cam meam. sic tu, o mens pia, cum te sentis pra-
uis cogitationibus oppugnari, & enormibus ten-
tationibus obrui, quæ tamquam feræ & crudeles
bestiæ quærunt animam tuam mortiferis pecca-
torum morsibus dilacerare, noli titubare, noli de-
sperare; si amas, credidisti; si amas, sperasti; si
credidisti & sperasti, non consensisti, non pecca-
sti: Amor enim protexit te; Ama igitur semper &
non peccabis.

Protection de l'Amour.
Voici mon cher Amour que ie te sacrifie,
L'ame, le corps, le cœur, l'esprit mesme, & la vie,
Que i'appends volontiers, Amour, à ton autel.
Ces bestes peuuent bien me rendre ta victime,
Mais non pas empescher que tu ne me r'anime,
Pour t'aymer à iamais d'vn amour immortel.
Voici mon cher Amour que ie te sacrifie,
L'ame, le corps, le cœur, l'esprit mesme, & la vie,
Que i'appends volontiers, Amour, à ton autel.
Ces bestes peuuent bien me rendre ta victime,
Mais non pas empescher que tu ne me r'anime,
Pour t'aymer à iamais d'vn amour immortel.
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Protection of love. |
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The trust of the lover must be admired, the faith of this soul imitated, that did not falter in the midst of roaring lions,
did not despair in the midst of the most cruel wild animals. No, full of divine love, unwaveringly, in the fullest hope it
called out: my light and my salvation is the Lord: whom I shall fear? The Lord is the protector of my life: of whom shall
I be afraid? When evildoers come upon me to eat my flesh, they are themselves set off balance and they fall. If they put up
camp against me, my heart will not fear. If a battle starts up against me, on this I will set my hope. One thing I asked from
the Lord, just this, that I may live in this house of the Lord all the days of my life.5 Therefore, Lord, cast Your eyes on me, restore my soul from their malice, from the lions my one and only soul. So you, pious
heart when you become aware that you are besieged by evil thoughts, and are engulfed by enormous temptations, that like wild
and cruel beasts they seek to tear apart your soul with the lethal bites of sin, do not falter, do not despair. If you love,
you have belief; if you love, you have hope, if you have belief and hope, you do not condone, you do not sin. You are under
the protection of love. Therefore, always love, and you will not sin. |
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You have freed me from those who are roaring and are ready to feed on me. |
Sources and parallels
Possibly based on, figure of Cupid among the beasts and background landscape added, in: Protectio amoris. [41] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
Parallel for the pictura (exact copy), the same Latin bible quote and French epigram in:'t Benaude hert, stilt hier zijn smert [4] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Protectio amoris. [41] (in: anonymous, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1628))
- 't Benaude hert, stilt hier zijn smert [4] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
Undisturbed by the attack of a lion, a leopard and a bear the soul looks up at the hand of God holding a cross- God's perfections
- the cross ~ symbols of Christ
- Christ and the Soul
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- beasts of prey, predatory animals: bear (+ animal(s) attacking)
- beasts of prey, predatory animals: leopard (+ animal(s) attacking)
- beasts of prey, predatory animals: lion (+ animal(s) attacking)
- hand (+ holding something)
- floating in the air (+ variant)
- looking upwards
- adult woman
- the soul during lifetime
- animals threatening man
- Fearlessness, Intrepidity; 'Intrepidité & Costanza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Protection; 'Custodia', 'Difesa contra nimici, malefici & venefici', 'Difesa contra pericoli', 'Riparo da i tradimenti' (Ripa)
(+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
Ps. 74. in the margin is incorrect: it is Psalm 34(35).
"Dominus illuminatio mea ... vitae meae": Ps. 26(27):1-4.
"vt edant carnes meas": in the Bible version of Ps. 26(27) this is followed by 'qui tribulant me et inimici mei', and only
then there follows 'ipsi infirmati sunt' etc.
Eccl. [Jesus Sirach] 51:4.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should
encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have
I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life". (KJV) "The
Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life;of whom shall I be afraid? When
evildoers assail me to devour my flesh my adversaries and foes they shall stumble and fall. Though an army encamp against
me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise up against me, yet I will be confident. One thing I asked of the Lord, that
will I seek after: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life". (NRSV)