Invincibilitas Amoris [70]

Ad Rom.
Ad Rom.
QVis me separabit à Charitate Christi? tribu-
latio? an angustia, an fames, an nuditas, an
periculum, an persecutio, an gladius? an aquæ
multæ? scio quod neque aquæ multæ, neque ten-
tationes profundæ & magnæ non poterunt ex-
tinguere charitatem, imo magis accendunt ean-
dem, sicut aqua in magno igne proiecta, ipsum
facit feruentiorem. non est autem mirum, si ignis
charitatis, cum perfecta sit maximè, non possit a-
quis tentationum extingui, cum & quidam ignis
materialis sit qui græcus nominatur, qui non po-
test aquis naturalibus extingui, sed quomodo pos-
set extingui, quandoquidem Deus est cum illâ?
audi Esaiam. cum petransieris1 per aquas tecum
ero, & flumina non operient te. si ergo aquæ mul-
tæ, aquæ, inquam, persecutionum, aquæ multarum
ærumnarum non possint extinguere charitatem,
certus sum quia neque mors, neque vita, neque
Angeli, neque principatus, neque virtutes, neque
instantia, neque futura, neque altitudo, neque pro-
fundum, neque creatura alia poterit me separare
à charitate Dei, quæ est in Iesu Christo Domino
QVis me separabit à Charitate Christi? tribu-
latio? an angustia, an fames, an nuditas, an
periculum, an persecutio, an gladius? an aquæ
multæ? scio quod neque aquæ multæ, neque ten-
tationes profundæ & magnæ non poterunt ex-
tinguere charitatem, imo magis accendunt ean-
dem, sicut aqua in magno igne proiecta, ipsum
facit feruentiorem. non est autem mirum, si ignis
charitatis, cum perfecta sit maximè, non possit a-
quis tentationum extingui, cum & quidam ignis
materialis sit qui græcus nominatur, qui non po-
test aquis naturalibus extingui, sed quomodo pos-
set extingui, quandoquidem Deus est cum illâ?
audi Esaiam. cum petransieris1 per aquas tecum
ero, & flumina non operient te. si ergo aquæ mul-
tæ, aquæ, inquam, persecutionum, aquæ multarum
ærumnarum non possint extinguere charitatem,
certus sum quia neque mors, neque vita, neque
Angeli, neque principatus, neque virtutes, neque
instantia, neque futura, neque altitudo, neque pro-
fundum, neque creatura alia poterit me separare
à charitate Dei, quæ est in Iesu Christo Domino

Inuincibilitéde l'Amour.
Ame veux tu sçauoir ce que l'Amour scait faire?
Le voicy qu' il s'accroit mesme par son contraire,
Ne diras tu donc pas qu' Amour est tout puissant?
Adioustons celuy cy aux miracles du monde
Auquel se veoit le feu viure au milieu de l'onde,
Si bien que l'on diroit, qu' ils sont vn elemant.
Ame veux tu sçauoir ce que l'Amour scait faire?
Le voicy qu' il s'accroit mesme par son contraire,
Ne diras tu donc pas qu' Amour est tout puissant?
Adioustons celuy cy aux miracles du monde
Auquel se veoit le feu viure au milieu de l'onde,
Si bien que l'on diroit, qu' ils sont vn elemant.
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Invincibility of love. |
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Who will separate me from the love of Christ? Catastrophe? Would distress, hunger, nudity, danger, persecution, the sword
do this? Masses of water maybe? I know that neither masses of water, nor deep and great temptations will be able to extinguish
love, on the contrary, it will kindle the same even more, like when water is cast onto a big fire it boils even more. It is
not surprising though, that the fire of love cannot be extinguished by the waters of temptation, since there is also fire
in material form (called Greek fire2) that cannot be put out by natural water: how now could love be extinguished as God is with her? Listen to Isaiah: 'when
you will pass through the waters I will be with you and the rivers will not cover you'3. So if many waters, waters I say of persecution, if waters of many troubles would not be able to extinguish love, I am certain
that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor virtues, nor the present, nor the future, nor height, nor
depth, nor any other creature would be able to separate me from God's love, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord. |
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Many waters could not extinguish love. |
Sources and parallels
Parallel for the pictura (exact copy), the same Latin bible quote and French epigram in:Al schynt het naar,, daar 's geen gevaar [9] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Qui me nourrist, m’estaind [5] (in: Daniël Heinsius, Emblemata amatoria (1607/8))
- Al schynt het naar,, daar 's geen gevaar [9] (in: Jan van Hoogstraten, Zegepraal der goddelyke liefde (1709))
The soul holds her torch in the sea and her oil-lamp in the rain, but they continue to burn- God's perfections
- fire (one of the four elements)
- water (one of the four elements)
- radiance emanating from persons or things
- beach
- sea (seascape)
- nimbus, i.e. rain clouds
- rain
- emerging from the water
- arm stretched sidewards - AA - both arms or hands
- adolescent, young woman, maiden
- the soul during lifetime
- oil-lamp (+ kindling a light; lit, burning light, lamp, candle)
- torch - BB - torch held upside down (+ kindling a light; lit, burning light, lamp, candle)
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- Invincibility (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
[cum] petransieris [per aquas tecum ero]: printing error in original: pertransieris.
Greek fire: phosphorus.
'Si pertransieris ... operient te': Is. 43:2 (transieris, Stuttgart Vulgate). 'When you pass through the waters, I will be
with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you' (NRSV). 'When thou passest through the waters, I will be with
thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee' (KJV).