Dulces Amorum insidiæ [29]

Dulces Amorum insidiæ.
Ludendo capimur, bibimus ridendo venenum,
Atque jocos inter vincula miscet Amor.
Si timeas laqueos, & si te vincula terrent,
Terreat & lusus luctaque; liber eris.
Atque jocos inter vincula miscet Amor.
Si timeas laqueos, & si te vincula terrent,
Terreat & lusus luctaque; liber eris.
Al spelende.
Van 't dertel Venus kindt seer zoet zo zijn de laghen,
Al jockend' in den strick brenght hy ons onbedacht.
Gevangen werdt men meest, als men het minst verwacht.
Met Liefde niet en speelt, wilt ghy zijn jock niet dragen.
Al jockend' in den strick brenght hy ons onbedacht.
Gevangen werdt men meest, als men het minst verwacht.
Met Liefde niet en speelt, wilt ghy zijn jock niet dragen.
En jouant,
He! que de Cupidon secrete est l'embuscade,
En jouant dans ses lacqs il nous scait arrester.
Plus le peril est grand, moins il nous fait douter.
Celuy qui craint ses traits, fuye tel camerade.
En jouant dans ses lacqs il nous scait arrester.
Plus le peril est grand, moins il nous fait douter.
Celuy qui craint ses traits, fuye tel camerade.
Sources and parallels
Modelled after: Dulces amorum insidiæ [44] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Dulces amorum insidiæ [44] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
One cupid trying to prevent being caught by a snare over his head, while his foot is already tied to the root of a tree- fringe, edge of the wood
- sports, games ~ animals (+ snare)
- to catch, to touch, in groups ~ children's games (+ variant)
- Pleasure, Enjoyment, Joy; 'Allegrezza', 'Allegrezza da le medaglie', 'Allegrezza, letitia e giubilo', 'Diletto', 'Piacere',
'Piacere honesto' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Ambuscade, Trap; 'Insidia' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- Cupid struggling with or tormenting other persons, abstract concepts, (fabulous) animals, etc.
- companions of Cupid