Amor certus in re incerta cernitur [17]

Nummi ut adulterium exploras prius indice, quam sic
Illo opus: haud aliter rite probandus Amor.
Scilicet ut fulvum spectatur in ignibus aurum:
Tempore sic duro est inspicienda fides.
Nummi ut adulterium exploras prius indice, quam sic
Illo opus: haud aliter rite probandus Amor.
Scilicet ut fulvum spectatur in ignibus aurum:
Tempore sic duro est inspicienda fides.
Als goudt in 't vier.
Gelijck men door het vier en op den toetsteen claerlijck
Een gouden penningh proeft, of die is valsch, of goedt:
Zo werdt de Liefd' besocht door noodt of teghenspoedt.
De nood maect van de Liefd' de waerheyt openbaerlick.
Een gouden penningh proeft, of die is valsch, of goedt:
Zo werdt de Liefd' besocht door noodt of teghenspoedt.
De nood maect van de Liefd' de waerheyt openbaerlick.
Comme l'or au feu.
A la touche & au feu, si l'or est bon, s'espreuve:
Ainsi doibt tout amant monstrer sa loyanté,
Sans tourner son courage en temps d'adversité:
Car tousiours au besoing se voit d'Amour la preuve.
Ainsi doibt tout amant monstrer sa loyanté,
Sans tourner son courage en temps d'adversité:
Car tousiours au besoing se voit d'Amour la preuve.
Sources and parallels
Modelled after: Amor certus in re incerta cernitur [23] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Amor certus in re incerta cernitur [23] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
Two cupids in a minter's workplace, testing gold coins- minerals and metals: gold
- interior of the house
- table
- cover for table, etc.
- stool
- open hearth, fire-place
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- coin
- minter
- tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: hammer
- tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: tongs
- tools, implements of craftsman: touch-stone
- Attempt, Trial (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- companions of Cupid