Amantibus omnia communia [5]

Amantibus omnia communia.
Tac. de Mor. Ger.
Ne se mulier extra virtutum cogitationes extraque bellorum ca-
sus putet, ipsis incipientis matrimonij auspicijs admonetur, veni-
re se laborum periculorumque sociam, idem in pace, idem in
prælio passuram, ausuramque.
Ne se mulier extra virtutum cogitationes extraque bellorum ca-
sus putet, ipsis incipientis matrimonij auspicijs admonetur, veni-
re se laborum periculorumque sociam, idem in pace, idem in
prælio passuram, ausuramque.
Alles ghemeen.
Fortuyn twee lieven schenct, zo wel aen d'een als d'ander,
Maer een gelijcken dranck, geluck of tegenspoet,
Het gheen dat d'eene lijdt oock d'ander lyden moet.
Ghelieven hebben 't al ghemeynsaem met malcander.
Maer een gelijcken dranck, geluck of tegenspoet,
Het gheen dat d'eene lijdt oock d'ander lyden moet.
Ghelieven hebben 't al ghemeynsaem met malcander.
Tout commun.
Fortune en hanap pour les deux Amans verse
Son miel, avec son fiel, si l'un a du hazard,
Et le vent a souhait, l'autre a bien sa part:
Aussi sentent tous deux le coup que l'un renverse.
Son miel, avec son fiel, si l'un a du hazard,
Et le vent a souhait, l'autre a bien sa part:
Aussi sentent tous deux le coup que l'un renverse.
Sources and parallels
Modelled after: Amantibus omnia communia [7] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Amantibus omnia communia [7] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
Two cupids are holding a cup into which Fortune is pouring a drink; a landscape with good and bad weather- sun as celestial body
- landscape with tower or castle
- storm at sea
- good and bad weather
- agreeable versus disagreeable taste
- pouring
- cup
- jar, jug (used as drinking-vessel)
- quiver
- shipwreck
- cattle (+ dying animal; death of animal; dead animal)
- collapsing building
- Parity, Equality (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Adversity, Misfortune, Bad Luck; 'Fortuna infelice', 'Infortunio' (Ripa) (+ situation or event (especially in genre-painting)
with symbolical connotation)
- Luck, Fortune, Lot; 'Fato', 'Fortuna', 'Fortuna aurea', 'Fortuna buona', 'Fortuna pacifica overo clemente', 'Sorte' (Ripa)
(+ partially clothed)
- Pleasure, Enjoyment, Joy; 'Allegrezza', 'Allegrezza da le medaglie', 'Allegrezza, letitia e giubilo', 'Diletto', 'Piacere',
'Piacere honesto' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Pain, Sorrow, Sadness; 'Dolore', 'Dolore di Zeusi' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- companions of Cupid