Et cum fortuna státque caditque fides [68]

Et cum fortuna státque caditque fides.
Non solum ipsa fortuna cæca est: sed etiam plerumque cæ-
cos efficit quos complexa est: adeo ut spernant amores ve-
teres, ac indulgeant novis.
Non solum ipsa fortuna cæca est: sed etiam plerumque cæ-
cos efficit quos complexa est: adeo ut spernant amores ve-
teres, ac indulgeant novis.
Fortuyn verblindt.
Somtijdts zal de fortuyn de Liefde wel verblinden
En stellen wanckelbaer op eenen ronden kloot:
Het minnen wel verkout, 't zy door gheluck of noodt,
Maer in oprechte Liefd' fortuyn gheen plaets zal vinden.
En stellen wanckelbaer op eenen ronden kloot:
Het minnen wel verkout, 't zy door gheluck of noodt,
Maer in oprechte Liefd' fortuyn gheen plaets zal vinden.
Fortune aveugle l'Amour.
La fortune a l'Amour quelquefois les yeux bande,
Et mobile le met sur son globe tout rond;
Car au chaud d'un malheur l'Amour leger se fond,
Mais en l'Amour loyal, deffaut sa force grande.
Et mobile le met sur son globe tout rond;
Car au chaud d'un malheur l'Amour leger se fond,
Mais en l'Amour loyal, deffaut sa force grande.
Sources and parallels
Modelled after: Et cum fortuna statque caditque fides [79] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Et cum fortuna statque caditque fides [79] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
Blindfolded Fortune is tying a blindfold over the eyes of a cupid who is standing on a globe upon which she rests one foot- landscape with tower or castle
- trampling, treading, stamping on someone or something
- blindfold
- utilitarian, public pump or water fountain
- quiver
- underground road, tunnel
- parts of ship's exterior: rudder
- sphere, globe ~ stereometry
- Luck, Fortune, Lot; 'Fato', 'Fortuna', 'Fortuna aurea', 'Fortuna buona', 'Fortuna pacifica overo clemente', 'Sorte' (Ripa)
(+ clothed)
- Luck, Fortune, Lot; 'Fato', 'Fortuna', 'Fortuna aurea', 'Fortuna buona', 'Fortuna pacifica overo clemente', 'Sorte' (Ripa)
(+ one concept conquering the other)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Infidelity, Perfidy; 'Perfidia' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- suffering, misfortune of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid: blindfold
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)