Inevitabilis Jctus. [31]

Jnevitabilis Jctus.
Defendit Parthi celeres lorica Sagittas,
Pellere vim ferri, ferreus umbo valet,
At nihil a telis pharetrati valet Amoris,
Tela volant certo vulnere missa Deo.
Pellere vim ferri, ferreus umbo valet,
At nihil a telis pharetrati valet Amoris,
Tela volant certo vulnere missa Deo.
Trapassa il tutto.
Ne acciar, ne ferro, ne valor, ne pondo,
E ch'al dardo d'Amor resister possa,
Leggiermente trapassa i cori e l'ossa,
Cede à suoi strali quanto abbraccia il mondo.
E ch'al dardo d'Amor resister possa,
Leggiermente trapassa i cori e l'ossa,
Cede à suoi strali quanto abbraccia il mondo.
Ses traits inevitables.
Les plus grands coups de Mars ne sont pas immanquables
Par l'adresse ou la force on peut les aréter.
Mais les traits de l'Amour Sont tous inevitables,
Il n'est point de vertu qui puisse y resister.
Par l'adresse ou la force on peut les aréter.
Mais les traits de l'Amour Sont tous inevitables,
Il n'est point de vertu qui puisse y resister.
Zyn Schooten zyn Onvermydelyk.
De Grootste Slaagen van de Krygsgod kan men wel
Of door Behendigheid, of moet, of krachten keeren,
Maar ach! de Schooten van de Min die zyn zo fel,
Dat Niemant als de Deugd daar van kan Triomfeeren.
Of door Behendigheid, of moet, of krachten keeren,
Maar ach! de Schooten van de Min die zyn zo fel,
Dat Niemant als de Deugd daar van kan Triomfeeren.
Sources and parallels
In motto Jctus, pictura slightly modified, different architectural setting: Inevitabilis ictus [14] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
Pictura mirrored, different motto, same Latin subscriptio: Nihil tam durum et ferreum, quod non amoris telis perfringatur [12] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Inevitabilis ictus [14] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
- Nihil tam durum et ferreum, quod non amoris telis perfringatur [12] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
A cupid's arrows penetrate breastplate and shoulderpiece- trees
- landscape with tower or castle
- face
- lovers' meeting
- archer's weapons: arrow (+ handling of weapons)
- archer's weapons: bow (+ handling of weapons)
- protective weapons: shield
- armour
- arm protector
- quiver
- booty, spoil
- ornament ~ human parts
- Authority, Power; 'Dominio', 'Giurisdittione' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- 'Omnia vincit Amor', Love the conqueror, Love triumphant
- Cupid shooting a dart
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)