Solo nisi mobilis auro. [34]

Solo nisi mobilis auro.
Inclusam Danaen custodit Ahenea turris,
Pervia at aurato mox patet illa Jovi.
Quid ni fulgenti marmor concederet auro?
Cui sua postposuit fulmina et ipse tonans.
Pervia at aurato mox patet illa Jovi.
Quid ni fulgenti marmor concederet auro?
Cui sua postposuit fulmina et ipse tonans.
Amor interessato.
Servo, piango, sospiro, amo, e adoro,
Vn Jnfida Belta ch'odia e disprezza,
Ma pur per superar cotanta asprezza,
Si cangerá il mio pianto, in pioggia d'Oro.
Vn Jnfida Belta ch'odia e disprezza,
Ma pur per superar cotanta asprezza,
Si cangerá il mio pianto, in pioggia d'Oro.
Amour doré.
Les soupirs, les langueurs, les larmes, les seruices
Bien souuent ne sont rien sur vn coeur adoré,
Mais l'or, l'or vient a bout des plus cruels caprices
Car que ne fait LAmour quand il est tout doré.
Bien souuent ne sont rien sur vn coeur adoré,
Mais l'or, l'or vient a bout des plus cruels caprices
Car que ne fait LAmour quand il est tout doré.
Vergulde Liefde.
'tGout Kweekt de liefden, en Vermeestert al wat leefdt
Men wint door min niet meêr, noch door Gedienstigheden;
Maar hy die van 't Geluk veel gout Verkreegen heeft
Zal haast Verwinnaar zyn, al heeft hy niet Gestreeden.
Men wint door min niet meêr, noch door Gedienstigheden;
Maar hy die van 't Geluk veel gout Verkreegen heeft
Zal haast Verwinnaar zyn, al heeft hy niet Gestreeden.
Sources and parallels
Same motto, parallel pictura: Solo nisi mobilis auro [16] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Solo nisi mobilis auro [16] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
Erotes', Venus' feast (Philostratus, Imagines I 6): cupids play with apples in an orchard in which there is a shrine of Venus; in the background lovers in a garden- swimming mammals: dolphin (+ ornamental variants of animals)
- fruits: apple
- trees: apple-tree (+ bearing fruit)
- lovers' meeting
- couple of lovers
- garden buildings
- fenced or walled garden; 'Hortus Conclusus'
- container made of plant material other than wood: basket
- dolphin ~ ornament
- piece of sculpture, reproduction of a piece of sculpture
- Wealth, Opulence; 'Opulenza', 'Richezza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Good and Bad Behaviour, Moral Qualities (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- attributes of Venus (with NAME)
- attributes of Venus (with NAME)
- 'Erotes', Venus' feast (Philostratus, Imagines I 6): cupids play with apples in an orchard in which there is a shrine of Venus;
they shoot arrows, dance, wrestle together and try to catch hares