Amans quod suspicatur, vigilans somniat. [17]

Amans quod suspicatur, vigilans somniat.
Te loquor absentem, te Uox mea nominat unam,
Te sine nulla venit nox mihi nulla dies,
Qvid) Ante meos occulos præsto est tua semper Imago,
Et videor vultus mente videre tuos,
Ter) Hi qui amant, ipsi sibi somnia singunt.
Te sine nulla venit nox mihi nulla dies,
Qvid) Ante meos occulos præsto est tua semper Imago,
Et videor vultus mente videre tuos,
Ter) Hi qui amant, ipsi sibi somnia singunt.
Vani e dolci sogni.
Forma L'amante ne la mente uaga,
Gran sogni, e crede al suo desir ben folle,
Ma nel mar caccia, e case in aria estole,
Di mensogne L'amante anche s'apaga.
Gran sogni, e crede al suo desir ben folle,
Ma nel mar caccia, e case in aria estole,
Di mensogne L'amante anche s'apaga.
Heureux en songe.
Malgré les cruautez d'une injuste Maitresse,
Vn songe officieux soulage un pauure amant,
Il porte entre ses bras son aimable tygresse,
Mais le sacheux reueil, l'entire en un instant.
Vn songe officieux soulage un pauure amant,
Il porte entre ses bras son aimable tygresse,
Mais le sacheux reueil, l'entire en un instant.
Gelukkig Droomen.
Of schoon een Minnares zig streng en Weigrig toond
Een zoet Droom vertroost den Minnaar in zyn pynen,
Hy beeld zig in te zyn met Wedermin geloond,
Maar met de slaap ziet hy zyn losse Vreugd Verdwynen.
Een zoet Droom vertroost den Minnaar in zyn pynen,
Hy beeld zig in te zyn met Wedermin geloond,
Maar met de slaap ziet hy zyn losse Vreugd Verdwynen.
Sources and parallels
Same motto, pictura sligthly modified (pictura shows a more detailed bedroom with a statue in the background): Amans, quod suspicatur, vigilans somniat [84] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Amans, quod suspicatur, vigilans somniat [84] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
A cupid in bed, spreading his arms for a girl- night ~ other concepts
- globe
- chamber-pot
- dream
- one lover waiting for the other (+ variant)
- bedroom
- flowers in a vase
- table
- furniture for storage
- bed with tester
- container of ceramics: jar, jug, pot, vase
- woman (showing herself) undressed, quasi-nude
- mother-love
- mother and child(ren), woman and child(ren) (family group) (with NUMBER of children)
- mistress
- other architectural details (with NAME)
- piece of sculpture, reproduction of a piece of sculpture
- violin, fiddle
- book - MM - book open
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ abstract concept represented by
female figure)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Lie; 'Bugia' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid