Laus in amore mori. [22]

Laus in amore mori.
Sic spernat tuate Domina, et sic arceat usque,
Cum fieris constans, atque in amore pius:
Perfer et obdura, est etenim decus Hercule dignum,
Magnanimique viri, laus in amore mori.
Cum fieris constans, atque in amore pius:
Perfer et obdura, est etenim decus Hercule dignum,
Magnanimique viri, laus in amore mori.
Sempre constante.
Se L'Amata al'amante è cruda, e giostra,
E à foco, e sangue, lo guerreggia e sface,
Non sen'vengia il meschin: ma soffre e tace,
Ancho in morte, L'Amor costanza mostra.
E à foco, e sangue, lo guerreggia e sface,
Non sen'vengia il meschin: ma soffre e tace,
Ancho in morte, L'Amor costanza mostra.
Iusqu' a la mort.
Non, de quelque fierté dont use une maitresse,
Vn ueritable amant ne doit point murmurer,
Et mesme s'il en meurt il doit se remontrer,
Qu il est grand de mourir d'un beautrait qui nous blesse.
Vn ueritable amant ne doit point murmurer,
Et mesme s'il en meurt il doit se remontrer,
Qu il est grand de mourir d'un beautrait qui nous blesse.
Tot inde Dood.
Hoe straf dat een Meestres mag wezen hy die Mind,
Moet zulks gedoogen en zo hy moest 't leven derven,
Zal 't braaf zyn want 'tis schoon het geen men zelde Vind,
Dat's om een Schoone, die me oprecht bemind te sterven.
Moet zulks gedoogen en zo hy moest 't leven derven,
Zal 't braaf zyn want 'tis schoon het geen men zelde Vind,
Dat's om een Schoone, die me oprecht bemind te sterven.
Sources and parallels
Pictura mirrored, different motto and Latin subscriptio, village and sailing boat in background: Amor, qui desinere potest, numquam verus fuit [93] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Amor, qui desinere potest, numquam verus fuit [93] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
A woman stirring up the fire of the stake to which a cupid is tied; in the background gallows with a woman hanging by her arms- fire (one of the four elements)
- heart
- drawing, pulling something
- adult woman (+ hanging)
- violent death by burning at the stake; pyre
- violent death by hanging - EE - death not certain; wounded person
- Love vanquished; 'Amor Domato' (Ripa)
- burning as process: log
- stirring up a fire
- woman (showing herself) undressed, quasi-nude
- instruments of torture, execution or punishment (with NAME)
- instruments of torture, execution or punishment: stake
- on the scaffold or place of execution
- public punishment (death not intended or involved) (+ variant)
- agricultural implements: pitchfork
- Constancy, Tenacity; 'Costanza', 'Tenacité' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- Mortality, Extinction of Life (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- Cupid struggling with or tormenting other persons, abstract concepts, (fabulous) animals, etc.
- punishment of Cupid