Fallor in cursu. [37]

Fallor in cursu.
Dum cursu superabat Equos Atalanta fugaces.
Quæ nec danda viro, nec redimenda fuit,
Provocat Hippomenes, jacet aurea poma per agros,
Quæ juveni virgo non sibi, victa legit.
Quæ nec danda viro, nec redimenda fuit,
Provocat Hippomenes, jacet aurea poma per agros,
Quæ juveni virgo non sibi, victa legit.
Amor industrioso.
Far gli afflitti, e roder guanti
Con le Dame poco gioua,
Sol' con l'Or pietá si trova,
Da le Belle, o Ciechi Amanti.
Con le Dame poco gioua,
Sol' con l'Or pietá si trova,
Da le Belle, o Ciechi Amanti.
Amour ingenieux.
Il falloit emporter Atalante a la course,
Cette belle lassoit le plus hardy coureur;
Mais l'Amour employant la derniére resource,
L'éblouit d'un peu d'or, et la liure au vainqueur.
Cette belle lassoit le plus hardy coureur;
Mais l'Amour employant la derniére resource,
L'éblouit d'un peu d'or, et la liure au vainqueur.
de Liefde is Listig.
Wie Attalante wil Verwinnen in haar Loop
Die moet Zig Waapenen met Moed en Listig heden;
De min bediend Zig van Gulde Appels en zyn hoop
Ziet hy volvoerd, en is met zyne Prys te Vreeden.
Die moet Zig Waapenen met Moed en Listig heden;
De min bediend Zig van Gulde Appels en zyn hoop
Ziet hy volvoerd, en is met zyne Prys te Vreeden.
Sources and parallels
Same pictura, different motto and Latin subscriptio: Auro conciliatur Amor [15] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Auro conciliatur Amor [15] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
Hippomenes drops the three golden apples, Atalante stops to pick them up, and is thus beaten; in the background Venus is giving the golden apples to Hippomenes- minerals and metals: gold
- groups of trees
- fruits: apple
- trees: palm-tree (+ branch, stick)
- running
- throwing something
- reaching for something - AA - female human figure
- container of stone: stone vase
- 'décolleté'
- running, race (+ the two sides (sports, games, etc.))
- running, race (+ judge, umpire, referee (sports, games, etc.))
- running, race (+ public (sports, games, etc.))
- tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: rope
- pedestal of a piece of sculpture (perhaps in the form of a herm)
- Subtlety, Acumen, Lucidity, Wit; 'Acutezza de l'Ingegno', 'Sottilité' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- non-aggressive, friendly or neutral activities and relationships of Venus
- Venus presents Hippomenes with three golden apples
- during the foot-race Hippomenes drops the three golden apples; Atalante stops to pick them up, and is thus beaten