Sic vincior ultro. [3]

Sic vincior ultro.
Quondam liber eram, nec mens mea nescia fraudis,
Sanguebat teneris læs a Cupidinibus,
Ex solo aspectu Dominæ, nunc vincior ultro,
Atque lubens laqueis implicor instar avis.
Sanguebat teneris læs a Cupidinibus,
Ex solo aspectu Dominæ, nunc vincior ultro,
Atque lubens laqueis implicor instar avis.
Priggionero voluntario.
Prigioniero Augelletto in vano tenta,
Vscir da lacci, e senza pro si lagna,
S'egli da se si fabrica la ragna,
In voluntary Ceppi ognor piu stenta.
Vscir da lacci, e senza pro si lagna,
S'egli da se si fabrica la ragna,
In voluntary Ceppi ognor piu stenta.
Prisonier volontaire.
Le murmure en amour choqueroit la raison,
Puisque comme l'oiseau luy mesme se uient rendre,
Dans le filet subtil qu'un enfant luy saittendre,
Ainsy de son bon gré l'amant uole en prison.
Puisque comme l'oiseau luy mesme se uient rendre,
Dans le filet subtil qu'un enfant luy saittendre,
Ainsy de son bon gré l'amant uole en prison.
Gewillig gevangen.
Het kleen gevogelt werd de gulde Vryheyd moe,
De Zucht tot 't Minne juk is in't gedierte sterker,
Zoo streefd den Minnaar na zyn juk, en banden toe,
En loopt met Vroolykheyd in zyn gewenste Kerker.
De Zucht tot 't Minne juk is in't gedierte sterker,
Zoo streefd den Minnaar na zyn juk, en banden toe,
En loopt met Vroolykheyd in zyn gewenste Kerker.
Sources and parallels
Same motto, pictura mirrored: Sic vincior ultro [2] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Sic vincior ultro [2] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
Birds voluntarily enter cages and nets- birds (+ flying animal(s))
- trees
- mountains
- sitting on the ground
- bird in a cage
- barn
- bird hunting (+ net)
- fowling, fowler
- quiver
- Restriction, Limitation (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Voluntariness (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)