Dulcia quandoque amara fieri. [14]

Dulcia quandoque amara fieri.
Forte puer paulùm secessit Matre relicta,
Lidius, in campis dulcia mella legens,
Læsus apum stimulis, lachrymis exclamat abortis,
Dum sua majori spicula felle virent.
Lidius, in campis dulcia mella legens,
Læsus apum stimulis, lachrymis exclamat abortis,
Dum sua majori spicula felle virent.
Il dolce è qualche uolta amaro.
Cupido vn giorno robaua con astutia.
L'or dolce Mel, fu punto, si dole alla madre,
Che cosi picol animal' a punta, si graue,
E tu Nano dice Venus, fá tanto male.
L'or dolce Mel, fu punto, si dole alla madre,
Che cosi picol animal' a punta, si graue,
E tu Nano dice Venus, fá tanto male.
Amour plein de fiel.
Le petit Cupidon se plaignoit a sa mére,
D'auoir été piqué par une mouche a miel,
Elle luy répondit feignant d'etre en colere,
Et toy petit fripon n'es tu pas plein de fiel.
D'auoir été piqué par une mouche a miel,
Elle luy répondit feignant d'etre en colere,
Et toy petit fripon n'es tu pas plein de fiel.
De Liefde vol bitterheid.
Een kleene hooning By had eens Vrouw Venus kind,
Gestooken die't daarop ging aan zyn moeder klagen,
Zy Veinsde zig vergramd sprak wat of ge onderwind,
Hebt gy niet kwaats genoeg dat gy u noch laat plaagen?
Gestooken die't daarop ging aan zyn moeder klagen,
Zy Veinsde zig vergramd sprak wat of ge onderwind,
Hebt gy niet kwaats genoeg dat gy u noch laat plaagen?
Sources and parallels
Same motto, pictura mirrored, no windmill in the background: Dulcia quandoque amara fieri [8] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Dulcia quandoque amara fieri [8] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
In the background Cupid is pursued by bees, in the foreground Venus attends to his face- farm or solitary house in landscape
- sweet (taste) (+ three-quarter view)
- bitter (taste) (+ three-quarter view)
- bee-hive
- Pleasure, Enjoyment, Joy; 'Allegrezza', 'Allegrezza da le medaglie', 'Allegrezza, letitia e giubilo', 'Diletto', 'Piacere',
'Piacere honesto' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Joy and Sorrow (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- Venus consoling Cupid
- crying Cupid, surrounded by bees, runs or clings to his mother Venus to be soothed
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)