Primos aditus difficiles habet. [4]

Primos aditus difficiles habet.
Quid Leporis te vincla tenent: quin pergis & omnem
Exuis in primo Limine fando metum,
Scilicet omnis amans ut primum cernit amicam
Præque timore stupet, præque stupore timet.
Exuis in primo Limine fando metum,
Scilicet omnis amans ut primum cernit amicam
Præque timore stupet, præque stupore timet.
Ogni principio e duro.
Frena il timor l'amante al primo arrivo,
Impallidisce inanzi al suo bel sole,
Non sa scoprirsi, e mancan le parole,
La speranza, e il timor fallo si schivo.
Impallidisce inanzi al suo bel sole,
Non sa scoprirsi, e mancan le parole,
La speranza, e il timor fallo si schivo.
Premiere declaration difficile.
Vn amant tout confus aborde sa maitresse
Pour declarer ses feux, et soulager son coeur,
Mais la crainte d'ouir un refus qui le blesse
Fait qu'a peine peut plaider en sa faueur.
Pour declarer ses feux, et soulager son coeur,
Mais la crainte d'ouir un refus qui le blesse
Fait qu'a peine peut plaider en sa faueur.
De Eerste Ontdekking valt Zwaar.
Een Minnaar, die Zyn Vlam voor't eerst' Ontdekken zal,
Aan zyn beminde, Voeld zig zelf vol vrees en schroomen,
De Vrees, van dat men hem 't begeerde Weigren zal,
Heeft hem reets 't meestendeel van zyn verstant benoomen.
Aan zyn beminde, Voeld zig zelf vol vrees en schroomen,
De Vrees, van dat men hem 't begeerde Weigren zal,
Heeft hem reets 't meestendeel van zyn verstant benoomen.
Sources and parallels
Same motto, pictura slightly modified; different subscriptio, different number of women: Primos aditus difficiles habet [21] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Primos aditus difficiles habet [21] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
A cupid with a hare on a leash, approaches the beloved- rodents: hare
- rodents: hare (+ animal(s) pulling, drawing something)
- street
- head held in the hand(s), with elbows leaning on an elevation or on the knees
- hand(s) towards the eye(s)
- index finger forwards, pointing, indicating
- sitting on an elevation - AA - female human figure
- one-sided courting
- human figure at (open) window, seen from outside
- terrace
- cushion
- proposal, declaration of love (+ variant)
- quiver
- tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: rope
- Difficulty (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Fear, Dread; 'Paura', 'Timidité o Timore', 'Timore' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)