Pro Gallinis. [11]

Pro Gallinis.
Ut pro Gallinis victoriæ amore salaces
Non prædæ, Galli, bella cruenta movent,
Sic pro virginibus, certat lasciva Iuventa,
Atque etiam sævo vulnere sæpe cadit.
Non prædæ, Galli, bella cruenta movent,
Sic pro virginibus, certat lasciva Iuventa,
Atque etiam sævo vulnere sæpe cadit.
Amore, e Signoria non vuol compagnia.
L'Amante vuol godersi la sua Diua
Solo e non vuol soffrir alcun riuale;
Onde amor scaccia Gioue Dio fatale
Il dominio e L'Amor compagni schiva.
Solo e non vuol soffrir alcun riuale;
Onde amor scaccia Gioue Dio fatale
Il dominio e L'Amor compagni schiva.
En amour point de compagnon.
L'amour est delicat et ne ueut point d'égaux,
Le cocq dispute au cocq la poule fauorite,
Ne t'étonne donc pas, si tu uois des riuaux,
Acheter de leur sang un coeur qui le mérite.
Le cocq dispute au cocq la poule fauorite,
Ne t'étonne donc pas, si tu uois des riuaux,
Acheter de leur sang un coeur qui le mérite.
Geen Makker in de Min.
Geen mede minnaars nooit malkander wel verstaan,
Zy trachten altoos de een om de ander te bederven,
Gelyk twee vegtende om met Zeegen weg te gaan.
En daar door 't Wit van al haar poogen te Verwerven.
Zy trachten altoos de een om de ander te bederven,
Gelyk twee vegtende om met Zeegen weg te gaan.
En daar door 't Wit van al haar poogen te Verwerven.
Sources and parallels
Same motto, pictura mirrored: Pro Galliins [7] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Pro Galliins [7] (in: anonymous, Thronus cupidinis (1620))
A cupid watching two cocks in front of a hen-house- birds in a large cage, aviary
- fowl (cock, hen, chicken, etc.) (+ male animal)
- fowl (cock, hen, chicken, etc.) (+ female animal)
- fowl (cock, hen, chicken, etc.) (+ herd, group of animals)
- fowl (cock, hen, chicken, etc.) (+ fighting animals; aggressive relations)
- ladder
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- Indivisibility (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Competition, Rivalry, Emulation; 'Emulatione' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- other non-aggressive activities of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)