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Auro conciliatur Amor [15]


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Auro conciliatur Amor.translation
Cursibus hac superabat equos Atalanta fugaces,
Quæ nec danda viro, nec redimenda fuit.
Victori sed victa datur: Superata Iuventus
Debebat subitas mortis obire vices.
Dumque pedum certat cursu, Megareius hero:
Astutus per agros aurea poma iacit.
Declinans cursus, aurumque volubile tollens.
Imprudens, Iuvenis, victa puella dolo est. translation

De Liefd' is listigh.
Langzaame Looper ach! u doodt waer u ghebrouwen,
Ten zy dat zy bekoort door 't goudt haer hadt vergist.
Door dit beweeghlijck goedt verwindtmen alle vrouwen,
En daer de macht ghebreeckt daer zoecktmen heul an list.

Amour ingenieux
Hippomenes brusloit du desir d'Atalante,
Qui se debuoist gaigner par force de courrir:
Hippomenes tardif, ne scait que devenir,
Il prent l'or a secours, qui arresta l'Amante.
Voyez de quel esprit Amour doūe ses gens,
Ou la force default, se servent des presens.

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Love is won over by gold.
Here in running Atalanta was superior to speeding horses, who was not be given to, nor to be claimed by a man.
But once she had been beaten, she was to be given to the victor.
If he lost, the youth had to undergo sudden death.
While he was competing in the foot race the cunning Megarian hero scattered golden apples over the ground.
Because she moved off her course and tried to pick up the rolling gold,
Not thinking of the consequences, dear youth,
The girl was beaten by a trick.

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    Sources and parallels

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    References, across this site, to this page:

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    Hippomenes drops the three golden apples, Atalante stops to pick them up, and is thus beaten

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