Nescio quo me vertam [17]

Arbiter en formæ certamina sisto Dearum,
Vincere quæ forma digna sit una duas.
Vincere sunt omnes dignæ: tamen una placebit
Ante alias; Malum tu cape pulchra Venus.
Vincere quæ forma digna sit una duas.
Vincere sunt omnes dignæ: tamen una placebit
Ante alias; Malum tu cape pulchra Venus.

Werwaerts wend ick my.
Goddinnen, zeer versuft zo vind' ick my rechtvaerdigh,
Om dat ick hier de prijs van schoonheyt gheven zal.
Mijns oordeels zijt ghy haer die alle drie wel waerdich,
Nochtans behaaght mijn een, dat's Venus, boven al.
Om dat ick hier de prijs van schoonheyt gheven zal.
Mijns oordeels zijt ghy haer die alle drie wel waerdich,
Nochtans behaaght mijn een, dat's Venus, boven al.
Le choys aveugle.
Ie me trouve confus, en voyant tant de belles,
Qui s'offrent devant moy pour choisir a mon mieux,
L'une a le taint si beau, l'autre a de si doux yeux,
Qué je n'en puis juger parmi tant d'estincelles.
Ha pasteur Idean! ton jugement me faut,
Pour me desempescher d'un mystere si haut.
Qui s'offrent devant moy pour choisir a mon mieux,
L'une a le taint si beau, l'autre a de si doux yeux,
Qué je n'en puis juger parmi tant d'estincelles.
Ha pasteur Idean! ton jugement me faut,
Pour me desempescher d'un mystere si haut.
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I do not know where to turn. |
Sources and parallels
References, across this site, to this page:
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Jugdement of Paris: he chooses Venus over Minerva and Juno and gives her the golden apple that Mercury had given him- minerals and metals: gold
- fruits: apple
- trees
- trees: olive-tree (+ branch, stick)
- sitting on an elevation
- arm stretched forward (+ addressing)
- arm stretched forward (+ reaching, handing, giving)
- arm stretched forward (+ receiving something)
- counting off arguments, calculating on fingers
- bringing gifts; exchanging gifts
- dog
- archer's weapons: arrow
- archer's weapons: bow
- protective weapons: shield
- armour
- helmet
- shepherd's crook
- Judgement, Discrimination; 'Giuditio' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Misunderstanding, Incomprehension (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- (story of) Juno (Hera)
- (story of) Minerva (Pallas, Athena)
- attributes of Minerva (with NAME)
- attributes of Minerva: owl
- attributes of Minerva (with NAME)
- attributes of Minerva (with NAME)
- attributes of Minerva (with NAME)
- Aegis: shield with Gorgon's head (attribute of Minerva)
- (story of) Venus (Aphrodite)
- (story of) Cupid, Amor (Eros)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- the Judgement of Paris (Mercury present)