Celerem oportet esse Amatoris manum [3]

Quam tibi sors ultro aut occasio donat amicam,
Ne spernas, celeri sed cape dona manu.
Fortibus intrepidi sunt castra Cupidinis apta.
Nam iuvenum audaces adiuvat ille manus.
Ne spernas, celeri sed cape dona manu.
Fortibus intrepidi sunt castra Cupidinis apta.
Nam iuvenum audaces adiuvat ille manus.

Suft niet, vvanneer als ghy u meerder mooght bekouten,
Grijpt de gheleghentheyt daer ghyse schoonste vint,
Eer dat zy u ontslipt. 't Gheluck dat helpt de stouten.
Noyt vverde blooten bloedt van schoone vrou bemint.
Grijpt de gheleghentheyt daer ghyse schoonste vint,
Eer dat zy u ontslipt. 't Gheluck dat helpt de stouten.
Noyt vverde blooten bloedt van schoone vrou bemint.

Promt en Amour.
C'il qui s'est asservi aux amoureuses flammes,
Il faut qu'il soit hardi & prompt en ses desseins,
S'il veut faire profit en ses plaisirs mondains;
Car le temps prins a point fait succumber les D'ames.
L'Amour na ennemi plus grand que le couard.
L'hardi gaigne tousiours ou le tout ou sa part.
Il faut qu'il soit hardi & prompt en ses desseins,
S'il veut faire profit en ses plaisirs mondains;
Car le temps prins a point fait succumber les D'ames.
L'Amour na ennemi plus grand que le couard.
L'hardi gaigne tousiours ou le tout ou sa part.
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A Lover's hand ought to be quick.
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Sources and parallels
Parallel for the pictura in: Celerem oportet esse amatoris manum [56] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
Same motto, pictura slightly modified: Celerem oportet esse amatoris manum. [7] (in: anonymous, Emblemata amatoria (1690))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Celerem oportet esse amatoris manum. [7] (in: anonymous, Emblemata amatoria (1690))
- Celerem oportet esse amatoris manum [56] (in: Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608))
A cupid with a wing on his left foot and holding his bow in his left hand- groups of trees
- (high) hill
- landscape with tower or castle
- foot
- lovers' meeting
- arm in arm (lovers)
- archer's weapons: arrow
- archer's weapons: bow
- quiver
- Swiftness, Speed; 'Agilité', 'Celerité', 'Velocité' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Courage, Bravery, Valiance, Manliness; 'Ardire magnanimo et generoso', 'Gagliardezza', 'Valore', 'Virtù heroica', 'Virtù dell'animo
e del corpo' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- Action; 'Operatione manifesta' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- specific aspects of Cupid
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)
- attributes of Cupid (with NAME)