Nil temere cum Potentibus [31]

Audacter nimium certans Hyacinthus amico
Cum Phœbo, exanimi corpore pulsat humum,
Magnatum tibi parcè utendum est semper amore.
Qui nimis alte volat, durius inde cadit.
Cum Phœbo, exanimi corpore pulsat humum,
Magnatum tibi parcè utendum est semper amore.
Qui nimis alte volat, durius inde cadit.

Met groote Heeren kleyne kennis.
Brengt u het mildt gheluck by Vorsten en by Heeren,
Zo matight al u doen, hetzy ghy spreect of speelt:
Want het is zorghelijck by meerder te verkeeren.
Laet Hyacinthus steets u wezen een voorbeelt.
Zo matight al u doen, hetzy ghy spreect of speelt:
Want het is zorghelijck by meerder te verkeeren.
Laet Hyacinthus steets u wezen een voorbeelt.
Avec les grans, trop ne t'apprens.
S'il advient que ton heur te met en cognoissance,
A quelqu'une d'estat & de grande maison,
Sois modeste en aymant, sers toy de la raison,
Car de trop s'enhardir suit tost la repentance.
Qu' Hyacinthe le beau te serve de patron,
Qui mourut en joûant trop avecq Apollon.
A quelqu'une d'estat & de grande maison,
Sois modeste en aymant, sers toy de la raison,
Car de trop s'enhardir suit tost la repentance.
Qu' Hyacinthe le beau te serve de patron,
Qui mourut en joûant trop avecq Apollon.
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Do not mingle recklessly with the mighty. |
Sources and parallels
References, across this site, to this page:
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Apollo holds the dying Hyacinthus, whom he had accidentally hit with a discus; his blood is changed into a hyacinth- fringe, edge of the wood
- lying figure
- gripping someone by the shoulder (+ comforting, consoling)
- infections and wounds
- discus-throwing
- throwing games
- lyre, cithara, psaltery
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)
- attributes of Apollo (with NAME)
- death of Hyacinthus: he is struck by a discus thrown by Apollo; possibly through jealousy of Zephyrus, who blows just as Apollo
hurls the discus
- Hyacinthus' blood changed into a hyacinth: when Hyacinthus is accidentally killed by Apollo with a discus, the god changes
his blood into a hyacinth