Deductio amoris. [31]

Sources and parallels
Remake of image, different motto, nimbus given to Christ-child and background landscape added, in: Caligo Amoris [75] (in: Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629))
Leader dog also in: Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas justificationes tuas! [17] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
Leader dog also in: Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas! [17] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629))
Leader dog also in: Un Amour aveugle conduit par un Chien (in: Daniel de la Feuille, Devises et emblemes (1691))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Caligo Amoris [75] (in: Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629))
- Un Amour aveugle conduit par un Chien (in: Daniel de la Feuille, Devises et emblemes (1691))
- Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas iustificationes tuas! [17] (in: Justus de Harduwijn, Goddelycke wenschen (1629))
- Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas justificationes tuas! [17] (in: Jan Suderman, De godlievende ziel (1724))
The soul, blindfolded and holding a dog on a leash, follows sacred love- God's perfections
- walking - AA - female human figure
- running
- blindfold
- adult woman
- dog
- Guidance (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ clothed)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)