Laqueus amoris mundani. [5]

Laqvevs amoris mvndani.
1. Tim. 6.
Qui volunt diuites fieri, inci-
dunt in tentationem, & in la-
queum diaboli, & desideria multa inutilia & nociua, quæ mergūt homines in interitum & perditionem.[Bible
1 Timothy 6:9]
Qui volunt diuites fieri, inci-
dunt in tentationem, & in la-
queum diaboli, & desideria multa inutilia & nociua, quæ mergūt homines in interitum & perditionem.[Bible

2. Timoth. 6.
Qui volunt diuites fieri, incidunt in ten-
tationem & in la-
queum diaboli.[Bible
1 Timothy 6:9]
Qui volunt diuites fieri, incidunt in ten-
tationem & in la-
queum diaboli.[Bible

Lacet de l’amovr mondain.
Sources and parallels
Remake of image, not mirrored, the word 'mvndani' removed from the motto, blindfolded Cupid taking place of the devil
and background landscape added, in: Laqueus Amoris [17] (in: Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629))
References, across this site, to this page:
- Laqueus Amoris [17] (in: Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629))
Satan holds the rope of which the noose is around the neck of a woman symbolizing the soul that loves earthly wealth- devils in the form of (fabulous) animals
- activities of devil(s)
- Covetousness; 'Avaritia' (Ripa) ~ personification of one of the Seven Deadly Sins (+ variant)
- minerals and metals: gold
- kneeling on both knees - AA - female human figure
- adult woman
- the soul sentenced; 'Anima dannata' (Ripa) (+ variant)
- heavenly love versus earthly love
- Love: 'Frau Minne' and other allegories
- container of textile material: bag, sack
- ornaments, jewels
- purse, money-bag
- mask
- crown (symbol of sovereignty)
- sceptre, staff (symbol of sovereignty)
- instruments of torture, execution or punishment (with NAME)
- money-chest, treasure-chest, money-box
- coin
- tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: rope
- Wealth, Opulence; 'Opulenza', 'Richezza' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of concept)
- (personifications and symbolic representations of) Love; 'Amore (secondo Seneca)' (Ripa) (+ emblematical representation of
- proverbs, sayings, etc. (with TEXT)