author | Cats, Jacob |
main title | Het Spaens heydinnetje |
short title | Cats, Spaens Heydinnetje 1980 |
ref title | Cats, Spaens Heydinnetje 1980 |
editor | Vieu-Kuik, H.J. |
edition | Vijfde druk |
place | Den Haag |
date | 1980 |
References to this book in the EPU editions, grouped by book:
- References in [c1627]:
- Repete. [7] [c162707]
- Sine vulnere laedor. [8] [c162708]
- Flamma fumo proxima. [17] [c162717]
- Ut capias, capiare prius. [18] [c162718]
- Reperire, perire est. [21] [c162721]
- Qui captat, capitur. [25] [c162725]
- Fugat, non capit. [30] [c162730]
- Tibi mors, mihi vita. [31] [c162731]
- Turpe senilis amor. [33] [c162733]
- Amica amanti anima. [41] [c162741]