Otto Vaenius, Amorum emblemata (1608)

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Hospitium verendum [99]


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HOSPITIVM VERENDVM.translationtranslation
In hospitium ad Cupidinem diuerti, insanum est malum:
Nam qui in Amore præcipitauit, peiùs perit,
quàm si saxo saliat.translationtranslation

Loue giues cold entretaynment.translationtranslation
Vnwise is hee that will in that inne lodged bee,
Where as loue is the hoste that must him entertayn,
And there in steed of wyne doth make him drink his bayn,
How can hee perill scape that seekes it not to flee.

Doloroso albergo.
Mal saggio è quel, che và nell’ hosteria
Doue l’hoste è l’Amor. (ahi) gli dà à cena
Tosco in vece di vin, che l’auelena.
Piange chi cerça il mal la sua pazzia.

By Liefde quaedt herberghen.
Onwijs is hy die hem ter herbergh gaet begheuen/
Daer Liefde is den weert/ want hy sijn gasten schenckt
In plaets van wijn verghift/ dat hert en sinnen krenckt.
Die in ’t perijkel gaet ’tperijkel doet hem sneuen.

Amour mauuais hoste.
Mal sage est cestuy là, & commandé de rage,
Qui prend Amour pour hoste, & loge en sa maison,
Aux passans pour du vin il verse du poison.
Qui se lance aux dangers, plaint tost son grand courage.

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Een angstwekkende herberg.
A frightful lodging.
[Plautus]. Bij Cupido overnachten is een dwaas kwaad.
[Plautus]. To lodge with Cupid is an insane evil.
Want wie in de liefde haast gemaakt heeft, sterft ellendiger dan wie van een steen springt..
For who has made haste in love, perishes worse than if he would jump from a stone.

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