Ludovicus van Leuven, Amoris divini et humani antipathia (1629)

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Auxilium Amoris [31]


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Auxilium Amoris.translation
Titelm. Ps.30. Ps.34. August.
EDuc Domine de custodiâ animam meam, &
obsidione quâ me obsident inimici mei, per-
dere quærentes eam, vt saluam educas liberatione
tuâ. carcer hic concupiscentia est; carcer hic li-
bido est; carcer hic peccatum est; peruersa mea
voluntas coniecit me in illum, Amor sæculi cap-
tiuam me duxit. fateor culpam, cupio emendare
quod feci; ne despicias me in afflictione claman-
tem; ego autem in te speraui, dixi, Deus meus es
tu, in manibus tuis sortes meæ. eripe me igitur, de
manibus inimicorū & à persequentibus me. Do-
mine expugna impugnantes me, apprehende ar-
ma & scutum, & exurge in adiutorium mihi; ef-
funde frameam & conclude aduersus eos qui
persequuntur me; dic animæ meæ salus tua ego
sum. confundantur & reuereantur quærentes a-
nimam meam, fiat via illorum tenebræ & lubri-
cum: requiescat in te anima mea, contempletur te
in mentis excessu, cantem laudes tuas in iubila-
tione, & hæc sit in exilio meo consolatio mea.translation

Eruens liberabo te, quia in me habuisti fiduciam, et non
traderis in manus virorum quos tu formidas. Ierem. 39.

Il ny a pas de place forte, Quand l'amour veut forcer la porte.

Secours de l'Amour.
Si l'Amour veut, il forçera la porte,
Car contre Amour nulle place n'est forte,
Chasteau, prison, inexpugnable tour,
Liens, & ceps, les chaines plus cruelles,
Geoles, fers, gardes, & sentinelles
Tout cede, craint, & faict plaçe à l'Amour.

No ay fuerça que Amor no fuerçe
Mi prision que no quebrante
Es es fuerço de vn amante.

Liefde en vindt niet soo sterck bestelt/
Dat niet en buycht voor haer gewelt.

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The assistance of love.
Lead, o Lord, my soul from my captivity and from the siege with which my enemies besiege me in their search to destroy it, so that by Your liberating You may lead it out unharmed. This dungeon is desire, this dungeon is lust; this dungeon is sin. My perverted will casts me into it, love of the world leads me away in captivity. I confess it is my fault, I want to amend what I have done. Do not despise me when I call out in my affliction. But I have set my hope on You, I said, You are my God, my fate is in Your hands. Pull me therefore from the hands of my enemies and from those who persecute me. Lord, fight against those who fight me, get hold of their arms and their shield, and rise up to assist me. Cast your javelin and put up a blockade against those who persecute me. Say to my soul: I am your salvation. May those who are after my soul be thrown into disarray and may they be afraid, may their path be darkness and a slipway. May my soul get rest in You, may it contemplate You when I am distraught; may I sing Your praises in jubilation and may this be my consolation in my exile.
By eradicating them I will liberate you, because you had trust in me; and you will not be handed over to the men you fear.

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